On the Couch with Tania Davidge

OHM-Tania-Davidge-photo-by-John-BahoricWho is Tania Davidge?
I am an architect with a passion for public space and cities. I have worked across many roles in architecture, as an educator, researcher, consultant, writer and public artist. I am currently the executive director at Open House Melbourne, a role that I love! Open House Melbourne is Australia’s biggest architecture and built environment festival. Every year we open up 100s of Victoria’s unique and wonderful spaces to a huge community of people who care deeply about our cities, towns and regions.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Sometimes I wish I had taken a more direct path in life. However, I am curious at heart and have often followed particular interests down unusual rabbit holes. Mostly this has led to interesting outcomes and I have met the most inspiring and intriguing people along the way. For the moment I can’t think of what I would do differently, but I would like to think there may be a few twists and turns ahead of me.

Who inspires you and why?
People who make a difference inspire me. They need not to be loud but a clarity of purpose and a passion for leaving the world a better place gives me hope.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I would fix the gender pay gap. I worked on a project focused on housing women at risk of homelessness for a number of years. The gender pay gap, structural inequity and the fact that we don’t place enough value on caring roles in our society are highlighted in the increasing numbers of women that find themselves facing homelessness. It makes me incredibly sad that this is an issue we still need to address in a country with as much wealth and opportunity as Australia.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
A new city! I love getting lost in a new city. Every city has a different personality and it’s wonderful to discover the qualities that make each city tick.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Melbourne is such a foodie town! I would probably take friends for a long lunch, followed by a walk from the top of Swanston Street to the Shrine of Remembrance. Melbourne offers such an incredible diversity of architecture and design. It is in turns opulent, composed, strange, wonderous, playful and outrageous and this walk through the city gives you a taste of it all.

What are you currently reading?
Too much news. I think I may need to find some fiction to get lost in.

What are you currently listening to?
Anything that makes me want to dance.

Happiness is?
Small moments of wonder.

What does the future hold for you?
Hopefully something unexpected and delightful.

Tania is the Executive Director + Chief Curator of Open House Melbourne – which takes place this weekend (Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 July). For more information and full program, visit: www.openhousemelbourne.org for details.

Image: Tania Davidge – photo by John Bahoric