On the Couch with Ed Le Brocq

Ed Le Brocq AAR On the CouchWho is Ed Le Brocq? 
I am a musician, writer, broadcaster, teacher, and a transgender man. I host a radio show on ABC Classic where I explore the magnificent history of Western classical music, and I’m lucky enough to be a tutor for the incredibly talented young people in the Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO).

What would you do differently from what you do now? 
My fantasy career is to be a male ballet dancer. While I couldn’t be further from that in this current life, when I’m reincarnated I hope that is what I’ll become.

Who inspires you and why? 
I find the young musicians in the Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO) completely inspiring. The things they achieve at such young ages is absolutely incredible and beyond what I ever could have achieved at that age. 

What would you do to make a difference in the world? 
Giving young people access to music is extraordinarily powerful. There’s nothing better than having an instrument that you feel really comfortable with. It’s like your best friend. If young people are having difficulties at school or at home, playing an instrument offers them a chance to use their hands and minds in a very creative way. I think it’s very important and cathartic to teach children how to use their bodies in that way.

What is your favourite holiday destination and why? 
Some of my most-loved holiday destinations are in Australia. I live in South-East Queensland so I’m very lucky to be so close to places like the Gold Coast, the world heritage area of Gondwana, Binna Burra, Beechmont, and Springbrook. I’m always mind-blown by the fact that I can go for a drive and be immersed in such natural beauty. It’s very special.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why? 
I always take my friends and family down to see the Antarctic beech trees in Springbrook National Park. Because when else do you get to see a tree that old? It’s mind-blowing.

What are you currently reading? 
I’m currently reading a book called Music and the Power of Sound by Alain Daniélou. It’s a fantastically esoteric book written by a Frenchman while he was in India in the 1940s. It delves into the power of sound to change us on a cellular level.

What are you currently listening to? 
I’m currently rehearsing for a viola recital in September, so I’m mostly listening to the music I’ll be playing for that. One of the pieces is called the Quartet for the End of Time.

Happiness is? 
Happiness is being tucked up at home with my wife Charlie and our little dog, Happy. It’s being calm, safe, and nourished in every way.

What does the future hold for you?
As a musician, I will challenge myself to become as brilliant a viola player as the ones in AYO. I’m also hoping to do more podcasts about the issues and experiences of transgender people. I believe that the more informed we are on transgender issues, the more people will understand us, and the world will be a better place.

Ed is a writer, musician and broadcaster. Ed is the presenter of ABC Classic’s Weekend Breakfast, as well as Ed’s Pocket Guide, a series exploring aspects of music history and performance. Ed is also a tutor for the Australian Youth Orchestra – who are currently seeking applications for their 2025 programs.

Image: Ed Le Brocq (supplied)