On the Couch with Troy Sussman

Troy Sussman AAR On the CouchWho is Troy Sussman? 
Troy Sussman is a man who has always dived head long into everything he could and at 100%. Weather that be Theatre, Sport, Business, Cooking, Parenting and in 54 years has lived many lives (often concurrently). But at his core is a Music Theatre Animal.

What would you do differently from what you do now? 
I am lucky for the last 40+ years I have had the opportunity to do exactly what I dreamed I would as a child. If I was to choose another path now, it would be something to do with food, as I also have a passion for cooking and fresh produce. During Covid, I started a You tube cooking channel #SUSSCOOKS

Who inspires you and why?
My theatre mentors for always leading and teaching me, and still do to this day, My Father, who at 86 just received his doctorate in Medicine, My Partner, she is the most determine and hard-working person I know. And my daughter Goldie who everyday helps me to be a better Human.

What would you do to make a difference in the world? 
I have a passion for working with young artists and performers and passing on what I have learned, so we don’t lose the legacy of what has come before, while also talking about today and openly discussion change and adaptation. Theatre and telling stories, is very important for society to hold a mirror to itself, or as a release from the day to day, I hope I am making a difference to people’s lives as they watch me.

Favourite holiday destination and why? 
It is a toss-up between Barcelona or Baja Peninsula Mexico – both have amazing food, music, beaches and wonderful people. Oh! and NYC, because, well see question 1, Theatre Animal!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why? 
For me it more like where can I take them to eat if I am not doing a cook up. Monarchs Bakery in Acland Street, Pellegrini in Bourke Street and The Prahran Markets, where I spend hours a week talking to the shop owners (especially Nahedas Dips (ask for the Original Bomb, a personal fav)

What are you currently reading? 
A Brilliant Life by Rachelle Unreich – the inspiring story of her mother’s survival of the Holocaust; and Danny Kaye: King of Jesters by David Koenig (DK being my all-time performing idol).

What are you currently listening to? 
My Daughter is 3, so lots of kids music! (Gabby’s Doll House, Peppa Pig). But if I get a moment, you will catch me listening to Showtunes. My current playlist Sunset Boulevard, Beetlejuice, Mean Girls, Courtney Monsma – In the Light, Back to the Future and Gregory Porter.

Happiness is? 
Standing on a stage and being in my element. A full belly of delicious food and a hug from Goldie.

What does the future hold for you?
I hope more of the same, performing and doing good work, trying new cooking recipes and watching Goldie grow and help her navigate life.

Troy can be seen as Sheldrake in the epic new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Sunset Boulevard – which plays Melbourne’s Princess Theatre from 21 May (Opening Night: 29 May), before playing the Sydney Opera House from 28 August 2024. For more information, visit: www.sunsetmusical.com.au for details.

Image: Troy Sussman (supplied)