Western Australian Artist Paula Hart wins an internationally acclaimed CODAaward

AAR-CODAaward-Paul-Hart-Jacaranda-photo-by-Dan-MacBrideWestern Australian Artist, Paula Hart has been recognised with a 2020 CODAaward in the Commercial division for her art installation, Jacaranda, which now graces the facade of Woolsworth in Mount Pleasant.

Hart’s work was up against 446 entries from 35 countries and achieved 5th place in the People’s Choice Award and winner in the Commercial Category. Jacaranda was made possible by the City of Melville’s “For Art Scheme” that engages with developers to include public art in their design process.

A collaborative commission between the artist, Paula Hart and Dutch based Redfort Architectural Fabrics, Birds and jacaranda flowers have been created in “Lace Fence” – a high-end metal fabric that reinterprets the cyclone fence, known for its ugliness and negative connotation, introducing designs of handmade bobbin lace wire within machine made industrial fencing.

“The reinterpretation of the cyclone fence to promote the beauty of the Jacaranda trees make this a highly successful and meaningful piece of public art that relates to the community,” said Debra Simon, Arts Consultant and CODAawards judge.

The close up investigations of the bell shaped jacaranda blossoms, the vein-like texture of the flowers and the inner stamens have been translated into various stitch types. The 240m2 artwork has been made with SS316 steel wire, powder coated with Interpon D2015 Ultriva and installed as panels to a modularised framing system.

“Woolworths has shown true leadership and innovation in championing this public art project,” said Hart. “It has not only made their store a local landmark, but it has helped to put our efforts here in Perth on a global stage. We all hope that this will be the first of many more they will do.”

The internationally acclaimed CODAawards celebrate the projects that most successfully integrate commissioned art into interior, architectural, or public spaces, and honors the individuals and the teams whose collective imaginations create the public and private spaces that inspire us every day.

For more information about the CODAawards and Paula’s artwork, visit: www.codaworx.com for details.

Image: Paula Hart, Jacaranda, 2019 (Installation view – Mount Pleasant Woolworths) – photo by Dan MacBride