Vikings vs Climate Change

MFF-TBH-Vikings-vs-Climate-Change photo-by-Ruth-Gilmour

You want a nifty idea in a Fringe show, and Vikings vs Climate Change by Babble Productions has that. Two somewhat careless Vikings, Eric and Ingrid (Tim Gilmour and Jess Zintschenko) were frozen in permafrost 1000 years ago, and thawed out by climate change in 2023. Gaining awareness of planet Earth’s problems has motivated them to be part of the solution.

Originally a “touring Theatre in Education company”, this latest work shows their origins. The exuberant performances on offer in this 5:30pm show would surely go over especially well with a younger crowd. Unfortunately, some of the songs (with overly loud backing on occasion) and sketches in this “comedy cabaret” don’t advance the action so much.

As she defrosted first, Ingrid has clearly had more time to absorb a neutral accent. Lacking that benefit, Eric shows influences from South Africa or Groundskeeper Willie, but overall seems more from Cardiff than Trondheim.

At some point we may be concerned that our warriors could find themselves again frozen, this time by indecision. However, Ingrid, tired of waiting for something to happen, takes direct action in true Viking style and gets results.

We might expect that more behaviour like this, and less like X influencers, will give any future instalment of the work a more satisfying narrative thrust.

Some pretty minor changes would move this offering towards being particularly suitable for youngsters. Costuming is well chosen, and right from the start there’s a naïve charm about the performances and their low-rent props. It would be good to see the players capitalise on their obvious assets.

Vikings vs Climate Change
The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne
Performance: Monday 2 October 2023
Season continues to 8 October 2023

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Vikings vs Climate Change – photo by Ruth Gilmour

Review: Jason Whyte