After a successful season premiere at The Butterfly Club in December, Sarah Goussé is back with her hit cabaret show The Misadventures of Miss Bouzy Rouge.
Like all of us, Sarah has dreamed of un vie extraordinaire filled with wonderful and exciting adventures. But between her many part-time jobs, ill-matched auditions and overdue rent, Sarah’s dream of un vie extraordinaire is anything but.
Along comes Miss Bouzy Rouge – the sultry French burlesque chanteuse who is everything Sarah ever wanted to be; seductive, glamorous and completely unapologetic. Is the life of Miss Bouzy Rouge as fabulous as it appears or is there something more beneath the sequins and feathers?
Written and performed by Sarah Goussé, and accompanied by Daniele Buatti, The Misadventures of Miss Bouzy Rouge explores universal themes such as self-discovery and sexual mishaps through glorious jazz songs, lively musical theatre numbers and clever remakes of much loved classics.
“Sarah Goussé displays an abundance of her natural wit and charm. It is a delightful, warm and very funny cabaret, a real winner of a show.” – Melbourne. Arts. Fashion
The Misadventures of Miss Bouzy Rouge
The Butterfly Club, 5 Carson Place, Melbourne
Season: 8 – 11 January 2015
For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Sarah Goussé as Miss Bouzy Rouge – photo by Pauline Leveque