the last train to madeline

Fever103 Theatre Eddie Orton and Ruby Maishman star in the last train to madelineAcclaimed independent theatre company Fever103 Theatre returns to the stage this June to bring their signature brand of visually poetic storytelling to a striking new Australian play with Callum Mackay’s the last train to madeline at the Meat Market Stables.

the last train to madeline by award-winning playwright Callum Mackay (Waterfowl) follows Wangaratta locals Maddy and Luke as they navigate the familiar throes of first love, friendship and the complexities of letting go.

Set against the backdrop of a sweltering small-town Australian summer and scored by the ‘So Fresh’ soundtrack that defined a generation, the last train to madeline immerses its audience in a nostalgia-driven world of suburban dreaming that spans over a decade.

Tackling the unique challenge of following Maddy and Luke through ages eight, seventeen, and twenty-three, performers Ruby Maishman (Romeo & Juliet, Bell Shakespeare) and Eddie Orton (37, Melbourne Theatre Company) bring the two-hander to life.

Director Hayden Tonazzi (This Genuine Moment) notes: “Not only do they have to jump constantly between different ages of the characters, but they’ll also be navigating an extremely ambitious set design, live music, and a live streaming camera,” said Tonazzi.

“It’ll be fast-paced, it’ll be messy (in the best way), and I’m excited to see these two incredible actors take you through a whirlwind depiction of adolescence and growing up.”

Alongside production designer Savanna Wegman (Biographica), Tonazzi is developing the world of the play as ‘a backyard on the edge of the world’: “This speaks to the endless possibility and dreaming that Maddy and Luke share – we always knew we wanted it to be a visual world that was elevated above our reality,” said Tonazzi.

“We’ve created a playground of foliage and skylines under an overpass that houses the raw emotions and memories of their time together.”

the last train to madeline invites audiences into a world of adolescent dreaming in a production that brings together the work of some of Australian theatre’s most exciting emerging talent.

Director: Hayden Tonazzi | Featuring: Ruby Maishman, Eddie Orton | Set & Costume Designer: Savanna Wegman | Lighting Designer: Spencer Herd | Composer & Sound Designer: Oliver Beard | Stage Manager: Finn McLeish | Producer & Production Manager: Harry Dowling | Associate Producer: Seamus Allan  | Playwright: Callum Mackay

the last train to madeline
Meat Market Stables, 2 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne
Season: 20 – 29 June 2024 (previews: 18 & 19 June)

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Eddie Orton and Ruby Maishman star in the last train to madeline – photo by Jordan Blanch