The Boys

The Boys GasworksNice Productions presents one of Australia’s greatest plays Gordon Graham’s The Boys at the Studio Theatre, Gasworks Arts Park until 20 February 2016.

Directed by Luci Klendo, The Boys is a powerful exploration of the various forms of physical, psychological and emotional abuse that pervade a culture of family violence and men’s violence against women.

The Boys is timelessly relevant and relatable, presenting denial as the easiest mechanism for coping with dramatic and dangerous power imbalances. Set against the intimate backdrop of a family home, The Boys will entertain, provoke and catapult viewers into thought.

An actress, writer, production coordinator and mental health professional, Luci Klendo is fusing her skills and talents into this production. Luci previously directed Domestic Warfare (Gasworks, 2013) – a highly acclaimed production, exploring the nature of domestic violence.

Gordon Graham began his writing career as a playwright, while a student at the university of Western Australia. His plays include: Innocent Bystanders,Demolition Job, Hanging Together, Earl, and The Boys – which was the basis for the feature film of the same name. His first novel, Stuffed was published in 2001, followed by Top Bloke in 2004. He has also written for television and radio, and worked extensively in journalism.

Nice Productions is a theatre group based in Melbourne, bringing exciting material to stage and spice things up on the Melbourne cultural scene. We do not believe in following conventions and do not shy away from controversy, strong themes or offensive language.

In an effort to support the excellent work undertaken to prevent family violence and promote respectful relationships, Nice Productions will donate $2 from the sale of every The Boys ticket to the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria.

Director: Luci Klendo  Featuring: Rebecca Fortuna, Malachi Grimsley, Heidi Luppran, Lucy Orr, Michael Shanahan, Ben Taylor, Linda Cookson Zilinskas

The Boys
Studio Theatre – Gasworks Arts Park, 21 Graham Street, Albert Park
Season continues to 20 February 2016
Bookings: (03) 9699 3253 or online at:

For more information, visit: for details.