In this technology-driven age, denying your kid a Smartphone is not a sustainable way of keeping them safe. The last thing you want is them coming home in tears, wondering why they are the only one without one, yet grade one kids have it.
There are hundreds of threats lurking on that gadget; cyberbullying, sexual predators and pornography are but a few that have many parents asking ‘how can I track my child’s phone without them knowing?’ on many parenting groups.
As they continue to grow, their curiosity may drive them towards potentially dangerous teenage behavior. However, there are reliable solutions that can help you stop such incidents and prevent them from happening. Here are three reliable apps, along with how they work and where to access them:
This is one exceptional spy application known to serve a whole host of functions including Geofencing, Phone Camera spy, Social Media watch, Browser history, and text messages. You get to monitor all these functions on your child’s phone through your dashboard on a remote computer.
Moreover, it uses the Word Alert function to determine what your child’s interests are by the words they type. It also allows you to ‘blacklist’ some words and receive a notification when they use them in texts or browsers. To use Spyzie, visit their official website and use a reliable e-mail address to sign up. Their set up wizard is user-friendly and paid plans worth it.
This Smartphone application works on both Android 4.0 and iOS 10.0.0 or better phones. It is designed to give you details on the Wi-Fi connections your child uses and their locations through their phone’s inbuilt GPS complete with a timestamp. It includes a Geofence feature that notifies you when your child exceeds their ‘fence.’ Simply input the locations where they are expected to be in, for instance, school or best friend’s house, and when they leave those areas, you get a notification with their current location and timestamp.
To install in an android phone, sign up to use Cocospy on their website, then install the app into the child’s phone. For an iOS phone, you need not physically handle their phone if they are connected to an iCloud network. The app will review the Wi-Fi connection between your phone and the iCloud network, thus giving you reliable access to the iPhone’s data and location. All this information is accessible via your Cocospy dashboard.
Spyera is another excellent and user-friendly parental control app. It can monitor Windows mobile, Android and iOS phones and tablets, and also Windows and Mac computers. It provides all control features you need to keep up with your child’s online activities and offers a 10-day money back guarantee.
These three apps work in stealth mode to ensure that your child has no idea they are being monitored. In your search for a reliable phone tracker, do not compromise money for quality; most free applications will become either malfunction, show up on your child’s phone or end up being malicious viruses.