Shot in the Heart of Melbourne

Lanii Douglas Special TreatNow a regular exhibition on Melbourne’s photography calendar, Shot in the Heart of Melbourne (SITHOM) returns to the Victorian Artists’ Society from 3 March 2016.

Now in its 5th year, Shot in the Heart of Melbourne is a Street Photography and Photojournalism exhibition that celebrates the decisive, and often indecisive, but always graceful moments that occur within our gritty, yet beautiful city. It continues to build on previous success and gather new photographers.

Artists on display include: Lanii Douglas, Brett Florence, Georgie Hart, Emma McPherson, Bernard Peasley and Peter Waters. All works are for sale through the gallery or directly from the photographers.

John Holding, exhibitor and Chair of the Australian Association of Street Photographers Incorporated (AASPI) said SITHOM members look for spontaneous shots capturing the city, its people and its architecture.

“This exhibition is a great opportunity to get images off the computer and onto the wall, not just for our enjoyment, but everyone who visits the gallery across the fortnight,” said Mr Holding. “After five years we are stronger than ever, with over 150 images from around 25 amateur photographers to be displayed.”

Winner of the Fairfax Clique photographer of the year and new ASSPI member, Peter Waters is really looking forward to being involved with the SITHOM team.

“I have seen some of the work already and it is fantastic, there are so many different sides of the city on show,” said Waters. “It’s been interesting to join some of the exhibitors, many of whose work I have seen in various competitions, on photo walks in the city and compare our shots.”

Returning exhibitor Emma McPherson has had a busy couple of weeks preparing her images for exhibition. “I’ve been travelling around Australia since the last exhibition and it has been fun to come in from the outback and capturing scene of the city,” she said. “While a sale is a bonus, for many of us it’s listening to the observations of the gallery visitors that are the highlight.”

Shot in the Heart of Melbourne              
Victorian Artists Society, 430 Albert Street, East Melbourne
Exhibition: 3 – 14 March 2016
Free admission

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Lanii Douglas, Special Treat (supplied)