Red Stitch Theatre presents the world premiere of ROAM from Australian playwright Adam Cass. Developed through the Red Stitch Writers program responsible for the award-winning productions Red Sky Morning and Stop. Rewind, ROAM is a chilling production that explores the seductive power of the digital world.

Johnny is withdrawing into a life of gaming, social media and pornography as his relationship with Julia flounders. When he meets a young girl from Eastern Europe in a chat room he is quickly drawn into an online game losing himself in the unlimited possibilities of his artificial life, as well as making some dangerous choices with his friendship with the girl.

The virtual world of ROAM becomes a battlefield for minds, hearts and credit cards. Can immersion in internet relationships render real world communication obsolete?

“I started by trying to make a play about secrets,” says Adam Cass.

“I wanted to go to a place that allowed me to explore all of the hidden one-plus-ones that add up to make us who we are… following this impulse, in no time at all I found myself and my characters tumbling (again) down the rabbit hole of the internet.”

Red Stitch welcomes the return of resident dramaturg Gary Abrahams (The Laramie Project – Ten Years Later, Day One, A Hotel Evening, Acts of Deceit, The Pride) to direct this new work after collaborating with the company’s ensemble members and Cass through a series of workshops over the last two years.

ROAM will feature Red Stitch Artistic Director, Ella Caldwell, and ensemble members, Ngaire Dawn Fair and Tim Potter.

Visual Effects Designer David Nelson (Mad Max, Happy Feet, Babe) teams up with Cass and Red Stitch for the very first time to create stunning computer animation giving audiences a fly on the wall insight into the virtual sphere of ROAM.

Design by Benjamin Shaw with Jason Bovaird as Lighting Designer, Daniel Nixon as Sound Designer and Michael Watson collaborating with Nelson on visual effects.

Red Stitch Theatre, Rear 2 Chapel Street, St. Kilda East
Season: 9 October – 9 November 2013
Bookings: (03) 9533 8083 or online at:

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: courtesy of Red Stitch Actors Theatre