Regional Arts Australia Calls for an Increase to the Regional Arts Fund

AAR Regional Arts Australia RAF 630In the lead-up to the 2019 federal election, Regional Arts Australia has launched its new campaign – VOTE 1 REGIONAL ARTS – calling for an increase to the Regional Arts Fund (RAF).

The RAF is one of the most successful cultural programs supporting arts and culture in regional, remote and rural Australia. Between 2012 and 2016 the Regional Arts Fund supported 1,458 projects; 3,979,899 participants; 843 professional development opportunities; 1,943 artists and arts workers and 3,015 partnerships.

Regional Arts Australia is calling for an increase of at least $2 million per year for four years to the fund. This will restore the RAF to its pre-2010 value by lifting the total value of the fund to $22.5 million over four years, beginning in July 2020.

Increasing funding to the RAF will enable more support, better outcomes and stronger communities across Australia. While funding has decreased in recent years, the demand for funding has increased with the number of unsuccessful funding applications for high quality cultural projects approaching 70% in various jurisdictions around Australia.

“Regional Arts Australia is proud to be advocating for regional, remote and rural artists and arts organisations nationally,” said Executive Director Ros Abercrombie. “Every day, we see the enormous impact that the Regional Arts Fund has on communities and individuals, and we believe that more artists and arts organisations deserve these opportunities.”

A substantial increase in funds would facilitate an expansion of the RAF program with financial support, professional networks and institutional connections across art forms, creative industries and geographic locations.

Regional Arts Australia is calling on the public to support their campaign in various ways in the lead up to the federal election. For more information visit: for details.

Image: VOTE 1 REGIONAL ARTS – courtesy of Regional Arts Australia