Hot off the back of their work in the Gertrude Street Projection Festival, a number of talented projectionists will bring their technicolour magic to Greville Projections as part of the Glow Winter Arts Festival. For the second consecutive winter, Prahran’s iconic Greville Street will come alive on Friday 19 August and Saturday 20 August with captivating displays for the public to marvel at after dark.
Ian de Gruchy has produced work on a global scale since the early 1980s, projecting animation closely relating to movements within the urban environment. He has produced work ranging from immersive projection installations to public art projections in Australia and internationally for major events and festivals. De Gruchy’s Greville Projections piece plays with the idea of disruptive pattern and optical illusions in the form of an animation in a highly stylised fashion.
Kate Geck’s piece Apeiron (pictured) delves into concepts of early Greek philosophy. An apeiron is understood as the boundless substratum that generates the material world, and to which the material world will inevitably decay back into. Geck’s artwork manifests a technological apeiron – a meditative video loop transposing the codes of hyper connection into a boundless abstract space.
This year’s line-up also includes Melbourne based artist Fairy Turner, who explores the elements of space with her piece, Disco Bin – the rusted keeper of trash turned sassy disco enthusiast. There is something special and ironic in the remaking of an object associated with filth, to emanate not the usual reactions of disgust and repulsion, but instead happiness, laughter and contemplation.
Nick Azidis, Director of Projectiontecnik, investigates analog projection systems which have resulted in the creation of more than 1500 projection installations that create distinctive moods, atmospheric transformations, nostalgic and abstract forms.
The Glow Winter Arts Festival invites people young and old to see and enjoy Stonnington in a different light, and continues to 21 August 2016. For more information, visit: for details.
Image: Kate Geck, Apeiron (supplied)