Musical duo Pink Flappy Bits (Tara Dowler and Lou Mapleston) have been hidden from public view for three years. As can happen these days to pop starlets, it was due to a conservatorship, this one imposed by ScoMo.
In returning to the public gaze, our singers have a plan to safeguard their freedom. They present their new (quite personal) show Private Parts with a security detail: A Capella group Choral Edge.
Why might some authority figures wish to keep the Pink Flappy Bits under wraps? It’s because these women want to raise some taboo topics and attack the patriarchy though song.
They earned good laughs from the Friday-night crowd with a tune advising men that their standard approach to sex with women wasn’t effective and offered pointers.
Other tunes related to matters like women’s insecurity about their body, and a graphic account of a time when some guy didn’t respond well to the female reproductive system.
Dowler provided acoustic guitar backing, and her voice combined well with Mapleston’s. Having the choir in the mix gave more colours to play with, and these were blended expertly by Musical Director Juliana Kay.
Choral Edge certainly threw themselves into their role in this “raucous feminist cabaret” (an apt description), vigorously participating in the promised “choralography” for good comedic effect.
We had a little insight into how Mapleston and Dowler’s lives have entwined over the years, and these segments provided a good change of pace, as well as a different kind of humour.
Whilst some topics might be challenging for a less body-/sex- positive audience, this show is a great example of how taking a punt during a Fringe festival can pay off handsomely. The show is not just for women; dudes can go with a friend and learn something.
Private Parts
Trades Hall – Solidarity Hall, Corner Lygon and Victoria Streets, Carlton
Performance: Friday 21 October 2022 – 8.45pm
Season continues to 23 October 2022
Information and Bookings:
Image: Tara Dowler and Lou Mapleston with Choral Edge (supplied)
Review: Jason Whyte