Palace Of The End

Palace of the End.  Hannah Norris 1. Photo by Sarah WalkerMarch 2013 marked 10 years since the invasion of Iraq by the coalition forces. Theatre Works present the Australian premiere of Judith Thompson’s critically acclaimed Palace Of The End – a trio of monologues that tell the stories of three people forever impacted by the war in Iraq.

My Pyramids is inspired by the media circus surrounding Lynndie England, the US soldier convicted if abusing detainees at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison.

Harrowdown Hill is drawn from the well publicised events surrounding the death of British weapons inspector David Kelly, who allegedly committed suicide after being involved in a government scandal.

Instruments of Yearning tells the story of Nehrjas al Saffarh, a known member of the Communist Party of Iraq and a mother of four. She was tortured by Saddam Hussein’s secret police in the 1970’s. She died when Americans bombed her home during the first Gulf War.

Winner of the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award and the prestigious Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, Palace Of The End will be directed by Theatre Work’s Creative Producer, Daniel Clarke and features Eugenia Fragos as an Iraqi mother, Hannah Norris as an American Soldier and Robert Meldrum as a British microbiologist and weapons inspector.

Palace Of The End
Theatre Works – 14 Acland Street, St. Kilda
Season: 5 – 16 June 2013
Bookings: (03) 9534 3388 or online at:

For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Sarah Walker

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