Open House Melbourne welcomes Fleur Watson as new Executive Director and Chief Curator

OHM-Fleur-Watson-photo-by-Peter-BennettsThe Open House Melbourne Board is delighted to announce Fleur Watson’s appointment as the organisation’s Executive Director and inaugural Chief Curator.

“Fleur is the ideal person to lead Open House Melbourne and to shape the Centre for Architecture Victoria,” said President Shaun Newing. “She is a highly respected Melbourne cultural leader with a fantastic appreciation for our built environment.”

“Open House Melbourne has emerged in a strong position following the impacts of COVID-19 which is a significant achievement and a real tribute to the team and Board. We are looking forward to working with Fleur to lead the organisation to a very bright future.”

In this role Fleur will lead the vision and creative direction of the new Centre for Architecture that will further build on Open House Melbourne’s extensive public program.

The Centre for Architecture Victoria is an ambitious cultural organisation which includes and expands on the celebrated Open House Melbourne public program and its role as a trusted thought leader and advocate for architecture’s role and agency.

Together, CAV and OHM actively engage to communicate the value of good design in the built environment, and how it facilitates better, fairer and more responsive places for people.

The CAV will provide creative and curatorial leadership in the sector by tackling big issues through major public discussions, debates, tours, interviews, exhibitions and events.

This will include the well-established and popular Open House Weekends and the ambition to expand public awareness of critical issues that shape our built environment and its impacts.

Fleur’s background as a creative director, curator and editor underwrites her valuable contribution to Australian culture through exhibitions, cultural programs and publishing.

The Board and team are excited to support her as she brings this expertise to the community focus that OHM is recognised for in leading a highly accessible, inclusive and enriching platform.

“I’m thrilled to accept this role and look forward to shaping the new Centre for Architecture Victoria,” said Watson. “I have been a longtime supporter of the fantastic work that Open House does in advocating and opening up discussion around the importance of quality designed spaces for every Victorian to experience and enjoy.”

“Building on this much-loved Melbourne weekend, we are committed to exploring the pressing issues in making better cities and regional centres in which all Australians can live, work and gather together–never more urgent to address and re-imagine than in a post pandemic context.”

Watson commenced in the role at CAV / OHM on 28 September ahead of a year of ambitious programming including expansion into regional Victoria with the Waterfront program for Melbourne Design Week in collaboration with the National Gallery of Victoria and in anticipation of Open House Melbourne’s 2021 month-long program.

Both programs will be part of the new and expanded cultural remit of the Centre for Architecture Victoria. For more information, visit: for details.

Image: Fleur Watson – photo by Peter Bennetts