On the Couch with Tommy and Eadie

MFF-Tommy-and-EadieWho is Tommy and Eadie?
We are Tommy and Eadie, friends turned enemies turned siblings turned lovers turned Musical Comedy Duo. We met through a mutual friend who we know from amateur theatre, and after one too many nights bonding over our similar (and often twisted) sense of humour, and our love of improvising comedy songs on the spot, we decided that the world needed to see how silly and gay we are. For money. And so Tommy and Eadie was born.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Tommy: Right now I’m balancing my time between full time support work within the Deaf Community, and a budding comedy career. If I could be doing something different, it would be combining those two worlds and being an Auslan Interpreter for live events and theatre. Something I am slowly working towards.

Eadie: Nothing. Eadie perfect.

Who inspires you and why?
Tommy: I often feel the most inspired by other Australian comedians who are pushing the boundaries of what comedy has been. There’s nothing like seeing a random show at a Comedy Festival or a line up night and discovering the funniest person in the country. Some names that come to mind are Frankie McNair, Hot Department, Lou Wall, Mel & Sam, Danielle Walker, I could go on and on.

Eadie: I find it incredibly inspiring to watch bad comedy by bad comedians, so I know what NOT to do. Some names that come to mind are Frankie McNair, Hot Department, Lou Wall, Mel & Sam, Danielle Walker, I could go on and on.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Tommy: The most immediate thing I can see myself doing is to continue my Auslan journey and contribute to making this pocket of the world a more accessible place.

Eadie: Nothing. World perfect.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Tommy: I always keep returning to the Mornington Peninsula. It’s only a 90 minute drive from the city, has some stunning beaches on both the ocean side and the bay side, and I’m a big fan of the Portsea National Park Bush Walk and a Kayak along the bay.

Eadie: Tommy doesn’t know this, but I like to cling to the bottom of their car when they go to the Mornington Peninsula. It’s only a 90 minute drive from the city, so the road burn on my back and scalp is minimal, and the high I get from sucking in all those exhaust fumes is unbeatable!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Tommy: I’d take them to BANFF cafe and restaurant on Fitzroy St in St Kilda for some delicious Pizza and Paper Bag Pasta, and then off to see Tommy and Eadie in Hot Fat Crazy at the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

Eadie: like Tommy said, the paper pasta, the pizza bag AND Hot Fat Crazy at Melbourne fridge!

What are you currently reading?
Tommy: Like many anxious, time-poor people, I struggle to commit to anything new so I end up just re-reading things I’ve already read and know I enjoy. So right now, I’m reading the Inheritance Cycle – a fantasy series I read as a tween. That was well over a decade ago, so re-reading them is the perfect combination of nostalgia and not remembering what happened so it feels brand new.

Eadie: I’m reading the script for Hot Fat Crazy, soon to be performed at the Melbourne Fringe Festival! It’s not very good

What are you currently listening to?

Tommy: Spite Will Save Me – the newest album from Naarm Queer Pop-Rock-Punk group ‘Cry Club’. They perfectly encapsulate the sound of the Queer Angst that’s come to a boiling point in the past few years, and then will hit you with an uplifting banger that exudes Queer joy.

Eadie: I’m not listening to anything per se, but I am hearing voices!!

Happiness is?
Tommy: Waking up in the morning to find my cheeky greyhound Clifford has leapt up from his bed onto mine and is snuggled up to me.

Eadie: waking up in the morning to find my cheeky comedy partner Tommy has leapt up from his bed onto mine and is snuggled up to me.

What does the future hold for you?
Tommy: I’d love to be out there as a qualified Auslan Interpreter splitting my time between working out in the Deaf Community and taking Tommy & Eadie to the highest heights, with tours, festivals and awards under our belt.

Eadie: Depends! If things with Tommy and Eadie go well then I see tours, festivals and awards in our future. If they don’t then I’ll just go back into the box where Tommy keeps me.

Tommy & Eadie will be presenting Hot Fat Crazy at the Festival Hub: Trades Hall – Music Room, as part of the 2023 Melbourne Fringe Festival: 4 – 8 October. For more information, visit: www.melbournefringe.com.au for details.

Image: Tommy & Eadie (supplied)