On the Couch with Tahlia Weber

Tahlia Weber AAR On the CouchWho is Tahlia Weber?
I’m a seventh-generation circus performer currently performing in The Great Moscow Circus Extreme.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I can honestly say I love performing and wouldn’t change it for the world! I’m so content with my career.

Who inspires you and why?
My Opa and Oma inspire me. They started in Germany with a small touring puppet show and have built Australia’s biggest and best circus dynasty!

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I think in a way bringing live entertainment back into Australian communities makes a difference in a lot of people’s lives. The joy on everyone’s faces after they have watched the circus is the reason we do what we do. We especially love touring to small and rural towns around Australia.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I travel a lot! But my favourite holiday thus far has been Tokyo, Japan! The culture is beautiful and I just enjoyed my time over there immensely.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I’m always encouraging my friends to get out and watch live entertainment, whether it’s the circus, a musical or any kind of live show!

What are you currently reading?
I’m not currently reading anything but I always love to go back and re read the Harry Potter books.

What are you currently listening to?
Anything by Nessa Barrett.

Happiness is?
Happiness for me is performing and learning new skills! I’m currently training with Gisele and Edison Acero who are absolutely amazing and so talented – so I’m very grateful to be able to learn from them.

What does the future hold for you?
I hope to continue growing as a performer and person! Being in the circus and around such amazing performers everyday makes my life so special and I’ll be forever grateful for the life I’ve been given.

Tahlia can be seen in The Great Moscow Circus Extreme – which is currently performing at JL Murphy Reserve, Port Melbourne, until 14 July 2024. For more information, visit: www.greatmoscowcircus.com.au for details.

Image: Tahlia Weber (supplied)