On the Couch with Seon Williams

Seon Williams AAR On the CouchWho is Seon Williams?
Inwardly, a raccoon, a gremlin, a cat and a sloth stuffed inside a human skin suit. Outwardly, a Korean-adoptee, Asian-Australian, actor, writer, director, questionable singer, potato-consumer, animal lover, sometimes rock climber, arachnophobe, decent archer, water baby, joyous dancer (unprofessionally), occasional baker and film enthusiast.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I would hope I still manage to find my way into an artistic field, painting or photography, or working with animals. I did want to be a vet when I was a kid. I remember using my mums manicure set to do pretend surgeries on my stuffed animals.

Who inspires you and why?
Humanity. I could sit and people-watch for hours. There is something so endearing and uplifting about the way people go about their lives, dedicating themselves to careers and hobbies and families, while existing on a rock floating through space that seems to be on the road to its final days, and carrying the knowledge that we have finite time here and will one day be forgotten. I think there’s beauty in our delusional relentlessness.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Provide funding that’s specifically targeted at creating and maintaining spaces and resources for artworks and projects that amplify the voices and stories of people from marginalised communities.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I went to Tasmania over the New Year and spent a week doing hikes around the South-East coast. It was so rejuvenating and grounding. Switzerland and Scotland are also stunning. Zuoz felt like stepping into a classic fairytale and I loved the biting cold of Edinburgh.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
My show. Obviously. Rootless Cosmopolitans at Chapel off Chapel, 15 May to 2 June. And the non-shameless-plug answer is a walking tour of the graffiti artwork around Melbourne CBD. When I catch up with friends, I like to be able to talk to them properly. A walking tour means we can take things at our own pace, we’re not fighting with overly loud music and we’re still doing something interesting.

What are you currently reading?
Wool by Hugh Howey. The detail and world-building are so intricate and rich.

What are you currently listening to?
Lenny Pearce, brother of the Purple Wiggle John (aka Big Strong John), recently released an album of remixed Wiggle songs with The Wiggles. It slaps.

Happiness is?
Not a destination, or a constant state. It’s moments and encounters and experiences that warm your heart and make you feel safe and buoyant and a little less alone.

What does the future hold for you?
In the very near future, specifically 15 May to 2 June, I’ll be hanging out a lot at Chapel off Chapel, performing in Rootless Cosmopolitans. Beyond that, hopefully continuing to create thought-provoking and imaginative art.

Seon stars as Georgia Park in Monstrous Theatre’s production of Rootless Cosmopolitans by Ron Elisha – which will be presented at Chapel off Chapel from 15 May – 2 June 2024. For more information, visit: www.monstroustheatre.com.au for details.

Image: Seon Williams (supplied)