Who is Sean Weatherly?
Sean Weatherly is also known as Noodles The Clown and has several clowns working for him. He trained as an actor and singer but has now delved into writing. He also contributes as a research assistant to the Ausstage project and Ibsenstage in Norway.
What would you do differently to what you do now?
Absolutely nothing! I really enjoy being my own boss and being able to work in the arts sector as a performer and creator. I love travelling around Melbourne and Victoria and recently performed a Starlight Children’s Foundation wish which was an amazing experience.
Who inspires you and why?
Children are inspiring. Especially the ones that are battling adversity – I don’t know how they do it.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I think as a global citizen it’s important to think about how you impact the world. Make sure you get recycling correct. Do whatever you can to source your energy from renewable sources and advocate for a cleaner world that protects the environment and consider your carbon footprint.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’ve only ever been once but Mataranka Springs in the NT was just amazing. A naturally hot springs in the middle of the desert. If you get a change go visit!
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Definitely a musical or independent theatre production at La Mama. Especially if it’s written by Australian writers as we need our stories to be told to the world.
What are you currently reading?
I have spent the last month working on the orchestration for Price Check! The Musical – so I really haven’t had time to read much. Probably the script from the show is the last thing I’ve read!
What are you currently listening to?
The 500 songs on USB that are on shuffle in my car. It’s an eclectic mix all the way from Pen Pineapple Apple Pen and Weird Al Yankovic to Prince and Wendy Matthews…
Happiness is?
Doing exactly what you were put on this planet to do. It’s not about making a million dollars, it’s about helping other people and contributing to your local community.
What does the future hold for you?
Good things I hope! I hope that people embrace Price Check! The Musical and it gets to be performed and enjoyed by many more people. It’s taken a lot of hard yakka to get it to where it is now!
Sean is the director, composer and co-lyricist for Price Check! The Musical – which will be presented in concert at the Alex Theatre – St Kilda: 1 – 3 August 2019. For more information, visit: www.alextheatrestk.com.au for details.
Image: Sean Weatherly (supplied)