On the Couch with Sara Reed

Sara-Reed-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Sara Reed?
A loud, overly-enthusiastic over thinker with strong opinions and even stronger curiosity. Someone with a passion for watching films over and over until the scripts are written in my brain with ink. A lover of all brows of art, and someone determined to find the second* best tacos in Melbourne. (*They existed at the phenomenal Los Amates, but they closed years ago. I live to disappoint.)

What would you do differently from what you do now?
While my instinct is to say that I’d simply float around in the universe if I wasn’t a performer, I would exist always on the periphery – being an Intimacy Co-ordinator or Dramaturg are the first things that come to mind.

Who inspires you and why?
My mother, Deborah Zylberstein Reed: the most resilient and generous person I know. She has dedicated her life to education while somehow raising two children who have a passion for the most unstable career paths, with nothing but unwavering support. She also is the best (and worst) Jewish mother I know, being the hostess with the absolute mostess and ensuring everyone she meets feels like they’ve been coming to the dinner table every Friday for years. And her egg dip has ruined me for life, as I simply cannot eat anyone else’s.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
There’s a beautiful concept within Judaism called Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World). The concept involves concentric circles of healing, and in order to heal globally, you have to start with yourself. For me, that means having an informed yet malleable mind to contribute to the community around you. Support locally and sustainably, speak up for your community, especially when you have the platforms and privileges they do not. Through that, I believe your effect can grow wider.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Japan was the first place I travelled to that I felt so compelled to not return home. Every new suburb I went to I found a different form of art, music, cuisine, history and community that I hadn’t seen anywhere else in the world. Also New York City, because I’m a living trope.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Gigs gigs GIGS! All of the music, all of the food, making sure we boogie on down to the magic that is Sunday night salsa at the Night Cat, and of course, Shabbas dinner at my Mum’s.

What are you currently reading?
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo. I know, I’m super late to the party on this one, but I’m a third of the way in and already loving it.

What are you currently listening to?
Always got Phoebe Bridgers in my ears, because my queer 13 year old self with everything to feel and everything to say proudly lives on. I also just started listening to Tiana Khasi, a dreamy, funky, soulful new discovery.

Happiness is?
A large dinner table, filled to the edges with platters of food, huge glasses of wine, a record playing in the background not to be outdone by the cacophony of my friends laughter over it. Also board games.

What does the future hold for you?
Working with as many different artists as I can, combined with gaining as many stamps on my passport as possible. My friends and I’s dream of an artists’ commune in London will hopefully be coming to life in the near future.

Sara stars as Eva in the world premiere season of Driftwood – The Musical at the Alexander Theatre – The Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University, Clayton (13 – 14 May) and Chapel off Chapel, Prahran (18 – 28 May). For more information, visit: www.driftwoodthemusical.com.au for details.

Image: Sara Reed (supplied)