On the Couch with Roz Hervey

Roz-Hervey-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Roz Hervey?
I am an ex dancer, who loves a list, I enjoy finding positive solutions to curly situations and I’m currently the Creative Producer of Restless Dance Theatre. When I was a dancer, I worked with companies including Meryl Tankard Co and DV8 and was an associate artist for many years with Kate Champion’s Force Majeure. I have managed to take on many roles in Adelaide over the last 20 years from event management to directing stage shows to teaching. We have a collaborative local arts community, which allows people to cross between roles and art forms. I also have an addiction to collecting small red objects.

What would you do differently to what you do now?
Mmmm that’s hard as I love what I do. Maybe working with children? I love the way children process the world, their curiosity and wonder captivate me.

Who inspires you and why?
So many people inspire me; Choreographer Pina Bausch, the photographers Trente Parke and Gregory Crewdson, actress/screen writer Michaela Coel to name a few. I am drawn to artists exploring the human condition who are not afraid of honesty. Authenticity is really important to me. I just watched David Byrnes concert, American Utopia, on Netflix, it made my heart flutter! On a daily basis it’s the Restless dancers, their honesty, authenticity and humour always make my day.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Continue to tell authentic stories that celebrate diversity. There are still too many amazing stories that don’t make it to the stage or film because of the artists situation.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Favingnana, an island off the coast of Sicily. I had a holiday with my family there a few years ago. I loved the islands lifestyle, there are hardly any cars, everyone rides bikes. The food is a wonderful mix of Italian and North African. Every day I walked past an old woman sitting at her front window, every day she would say Buongiorno greeting passers-by and watching the world go by, I thought I could retire there.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
The Central Markets are a must: having a date with the owner at Le Souk (you have to go to know what I mean) Lucia’s for a chicken schnitzel or a bowl of spaghetti bolognese or China Town café for hainanese chicken rice. I recently celebrated my daughter’s birthday on top of Mt Osmond, if you like walking, head up there on a spring day and take in the view of the city. Adelaide has so many great places to eat, wineries to visit, beaches to watch the sunset; Willunga beach is a must. In Adelaide you can go to the hills in the morning and be at the beach in the afternoon, nowhere is too far away.

What are you currently reading?
I should be reading a book but currently it’s the endless news feed about Covid, it has become a terrible obsession. The last book I read and loved was Miriam Teows’ Irma Voth.

What are you currently listening to?
The beautiful music of Emily Tulloch and Hilary Kleinig coming out of the Restless studio. They are two Adelaide musician composers, formerly from Zephyr Quartet, who are composing the music for Exposed, the next Restless show.

Happiness is?
Finding the joy in the small things, today it was eating breakfast and looking out at the pink geraniums that are growing rampantly through our apple tree.

What does the future hold for you?
Hopefully I’ll be organising national and international tours again for Restless Dance theatre. We had so many presentations lined up and with Covid that has all been put on hold. When I retire, I’d love to work as a volunteer guide at the Art Gallery of SA, such an amazing gallery run by a team of exceptional women, or maybe I’ll be the old woman in the window in Favignana.

Roz is the Creative Producer of Restless Dance Theatre – Australia’s leading dance company working with artists with and out disability – who are celebrating 30 years of creating work that is loud, strong, and original with two special shows at The Lab, Adelaide on Wednesday 24 November. For more information, visit: www.restlessdance.org for details.

Image: Roz Hervey – courtesy of Restless Dance Theatre