Who is Raewyn Hill?
Dedicated, loyal, serious, passionate, funny.
What would you do differently to what you do now?
If I remain doing what I am doing, I wouldn’t do anything differently. I’m an all or nothing kinda girl, so each day is lived to 120% capacity. I’ve always been clear in my goals and work hard to achieve them. If I was to do something different to what I do now, I’d be a Detective.
Who inspires you and why?
Nick Cave; he pens from the heart, and delivers with intellect, authenticity and compassion for human growth and suffering. Closer to home, Ochre AD and lighting designer Mark Howett; a phenomenal man, so generous in heart, he believes in people and community and all things bigger than himself. His approach to work and life is uncompromising and beyond inspiring.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I try to make a difference every day, sometimes in small gesture and sometimes in larger conversation. I believe art contends with the unknown, it is transcending, it is truthful, it has the ability to inspire great change, so most of how I make a difference in the world is centered around advocating for the development and change within our sector. I live by seek change, make change, be the change.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
Kumutoto Bay, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. My little sanctuary, you can only get there by boat so once you are in you are in. The bellbirds come in the morning with their pretty song, and the sundowner rock holds years of stories as friends and family gather to watch the sun set across the bay.
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Fish and chips at Cottesloe or City Beach at sunset. There’s nothing more beautiful than watching the sun fall into the Indian Ocean, with its promise of tomorrow not too far away.
What are you currently reading?
Currently the three beside my bed are: Save Our Sleep – we have a new baby, Jordan B Peterson: 12 Rules for life, and Bushido: The Soul of Japan, A Classic Essay on Samurai Ethics.
What are you currently listening to?
Ludovico Einaudi.
Happiness is?
Being in Kumutoto Bay beside the fire with a glass of champagne, watching the Co3 dancers in full flight on the Heath Ledger stage, being with my little family, cooking up a storm with my little family, eating chocolate brownies from Lowdown with the Co3 crew, trying to stand up on my surf board at Trigg, waking up with those I love and sharing my days with those who inspire me.
What does the future hold for you?
Welcoming our first child into this world and supporting a cracker year of performances and touring for the company. Beyond that, I aim to live each day with honesty, integrity, compassion and commitment.
Raewyn is the Artistic Director of Co3 Australia – who will be presenting in collaboration with The Farm, Frank Enstein in the Heath Ledger Theatre – State Theatre Centre of WA: 11 – 15 April 2018. For more information, visit: www.co3.org.au for details.
Image: Raewyn Hill – photo by Naomi Lee