On the Couch with Paul O’Keeffe

Paul-O’Keeffe-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Paul O’Keeffe?
Generally a quiet natured person off stage, but onstage is another story. I’m a performing artist currently working for Brisbane based circus company Circa. I’ve been performing in circus for the last 30 years. I grew up in a youth circus, where I had some incredibly generous and supportive mentors along the way. Mentors that encouraged me, nurtured me, and taught me how to become the best person/artist I could be.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Stretch out my muscles more. That way in some of my acrobatic moves I could finally get my legs straight rather than my current half bent chicken legs. But seriously. Over the decades of performing, I have always liked the idea to push myself into areas that are potentially uncomfortable that could challenge me artistically and personally, its the place where I grew the most as a performer. I feel like theres always room for one more challenge.

Who inspires you and why?
Someone who has a desire to learn something new that then does it. Companies and artists that takes artistic risks in what they create. That they work hard and are passionate about what they do. I’m always inspired by any artist that creates and performs their own solo show.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Hopefully I’m already doing this in the way of using arts to inspire creativity and bring enjoyment to peoples lives. Keep voting in Government elections and to keep caring and being compassionate to those around me.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world doing what I love and in doing so has allowed me to holiday in some incredible places. All incredible for different reasons. One favourite was staying in an ice hotel in Finland made completely of ice, including the walls, floor, roof, even the plates and glasses in the ice restaurant.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Ferry ride along the Brisbane River. Kangaroo Point Cliffs to enjoy a beautiful sunset. Bike ride or just catch up at one of the many great coffee shops.

What are you currently reading?
Behrouz Boochani – No Friend But The Mountains.

What are you currently listening to?
Undercover Architect Podcast.

Happiness is?
Family, puppy dogs, performing and touring overseas. What does the future hold for you? Hopefully a lot more International touring. I want to continue to perform in works that engage the heart, mind and soul of every audience member.

Paul stars in Circa’s Wolfgang’s Magical Musical Circus – which will be presented at the Theatre Royal Sydney (20 – 24 April). For more information, visit: www.theatreroyalsydney.com for details.

Image: Paul O’Keeffe (supplied)