On the Couch with Patrick Jhanur

Patrick Jhanur AAR On the CouchWho is Patrick Jhanur?
Notably, Vice Captain of the Kenmore Bears Under 12 Division 4 Minor-Premiers. Now that my junior AFL glory days are behind me, I’m a 22 year old actor for stage and screen, currently keeping busy with State Theatre Company South Australia in Fleur Kilpatrick’s Terrestrial.

What would you do differently to what you do now?
Embracing failure and forfeiting the pursuit of perfection. Simply taking a step back, trusting the process and the people around me is something I wish I’d found faith in a few years ago. At the same time, I also firmly believe my most valuable and also toughest lessons (many to come) came at a time I was ready, and gained certain life experience, perspective and a better understanding of myself.

Who inspires you and why?
My family is a huge inspiration to me, I do everything for them. Their sacrifice, hard work and unwavering support drives me. I’m awestruck by innovative, bold and brave artists and creative voices who have something important to say and take risks. They’re the kinds of people I love and feel honoured to work with.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
If I wasn’t working in the arts I would involve myself in youth work and support/mentoring. Children are the most important human beings on the planet. We all have a responsibility to honour the vitality of creating a world for them to be proud of. I feel it’s crucial we nurture their imaginations, foster their understanding of empathy and inspire them to be compassionate thinkers for the better of our world and society.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Anywhere unfamiliar, I love the thrill of the unknown. My Dad’s family live in a tiny village with dirt roads, nestled amongst rice fields on the foothills of a volcano in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Heading home to my roots back there is always very special. The beautiful people, spectacular landscape and rich culture is so unique.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Any of the Eastern Suburbs Harbour beaches on a good day. Beautiful water and stunning views of the harbour, it’s a pretty special part of Sydney and something which makes it such a unique city.

What are you currently reading?
Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, it’s a great beginner’s guide to screen writing. Concise and easily applicable for anyone who wants to hone their writing chops.

What are you currently listening to?
Leon Bridges and Thundamentals.

Happiness is?
A day entirely spent horizontal on Bondi Beach in good company, capped off with a Gin and Tonic. A win for the St. Kilda Saints seldom brings me happiness too.

What does the future hold for you?
Over the next couple of months I’ll be touring all over South Australia with Terrestrial. After that, I’m heading back to the Sydney hustle and grind.

Patrick stars in State Theatre Company South Australia’s State Ed production of Fleur Kilpatrick’s Terrestrial throughout May and June, including a season at the Adelaide Festival Centre’s Space Theatre: 23 May – 2 June 2018. For more information, visit: www.statetheatrecompany.com.au for details.

Image: Patrick Jhanur