On the Couch with Nadine Christensen

BC Nadine Christensen photo by Phoebe PowellWho is Nadine Christensen?
Friend, citizen, parent, gardener, teacher, daughter, bad sleeper, partner, occasional swimmer, worrier, hoarder of shoes, gig economy ’employee’ and art fan.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I would try and take more breaks, attend more rallies, read more books, and exercise more…

Who inspires you and why?
So many people. I’m inspired by activists and people trying to change the terrible inequities in Australian society and in the world at large. I’m inspired when I witness kindness between people. Great art is moving and inspiring to me.  

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
It’s really hard and I often feel overwhelmed and powerless, especially right now with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. But look, I try to grow native plants, volunteer, donate, listen carefully, be an ally…

Favourite holiday destination and why?
A camp site near a river, a beach house close to the beach.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Well, it depends on the friend and what they are into.  Melbourne has something for everyone. I might take a friend to see some live music or around the galleries or a performance. I might take another type of friend for a bike ride along Edgars and Merri Creeks, all the way from the Northern suburbs and into the CBD for Korean BBQ. 

For dog loving friends, we would shoot out to Altona Dog Beach for a frolic. Plenty to do with foodie mates with excellent bars or restaurants everywhere but City Wine Shop is a good place to start; and if there are little kids involved I would take them to the Botanical Gardens- in particular the cactus garden.

What are you currently reading?
Gah! Greedily about 20 things simultaneously and having trouble finishing any of them.

What are you currently listening to?
I went to see Sparks this week, so getting into that. But also jogging with Leikeli47. In the studio recently it’s been Mac Miller, Alex G. And while cooking tea tonight I had Johann Johansson on. Don’t get me started on Podcasts…

Happiness is?
Hard to find and a fragile thing. A good laugh with friends or family, smelling something nice – food, flowers, perfume; a relaxing drink, cake, kind words, going to the movies and having a minestrone and a chat afterwards, the perfect dress, the kids getting along…

What does the future hold for you?
I hope I sell some work from my current show and can take a holiday. I need to find a new studio, so the immediate future is moving things and sorting through the debris left behind after the big push for my Buxton Contemporary show.

Nadine’s work can be seen in Nadine Christensen: Around – representing her first career survey to date, at Buxton Contemporary from 24 November 2023 – 7 April 2024. For more information, visit: www.buxtoncontemporary.com for details.

Image: Nadine Christensen – photo by Phoebe Powell