On the Couch with Mysterious Al

Mysterious-AlWho is Mysterious Al?
I’m an urban-contemporary artist, notorious for putting in exhibitions in unusual locations. I’ve made illegal shows in disused shopfronts, sprawling museum-style walkthroughs in condemned warehouses and even an art exhibition inside a working funfair ghost train.

My latest show HUMAN NATURE is another of my immersive pop-ups. The show represents a radical shift in my studio work. After a year-long creative block, I ended up getting inspired by the litter that blows down my street. It’s weird how these things happen.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I’d like to have more time painting and less time making PDF’s and writing applications.

Who inspires you and why?
Artists that are out there doing it, making things happen.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Leave behind artwork that will outlive me. Help children understand that you don’t need to be able to draw to make great art.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Thailand because I can lie in a hammock and drink something out of a coconut. I need fast Wi-Fi though.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I take them to my studio, and then to friend’s studio’s around Collingwood. Then I show them how you can eat anything you want within a mile radius.

What are you currently reading?
Interview questions, and Spaceships over Glasgow, Stuart from Mogwai’s autobiography.

What are you currently listening to?
I’m going through a 90’s gangster rap phase again. I find it strangely relaxing. It’s aggressive but melodic.

Happiness is?
Being grateful for what you have. It really is.

What does the future hold for you?
Trying to make every day more exciting and positive than the last.

Mysterious Al presents HUMAN NATURE – a tongue-in-cheek immersive exhibition which looks at the dirtier side of humanity, at 4-12 Langridge Street, Collingwood: 27 – 29 October 2023. For more information, visit: www.mysteriousal.com for details.

Image: Mysterious Al – courtesy of the Artist