On the Couch with Mia Morrissey

Mia-Morrissey-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Mia Morrissey?
My name is Mia Morrissey, I am a big sister to the coolest person ever, daughter to two other really cool humans and friend to even more cool humans. I am an actor, a singer, a writer, and I am beyond thrilled to be playing Gabby/Bobbi in City of Angels alongside a truly exceptional cast and team!

What would you do differently from what you do now?
When I was really, really young (probably about 3) I watched Indiana Jones and it changed my damn life. I asked my dad “What is he?” To which my dad responded “An archaeologist”. So I really committed to wanting to be an archaeologist… Until I realised that it was mainly just paper work and there were no rolling boulders, cool outfits or dramatic music to score my wild adventures. Also “He” was actually Harrison Ford. And “He” was an actor… My course changed rather drastically after that.

Who inspires you and why?
Currently, I am super inspired by Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan, who wrote and created Deadloch – a new 8-part series on Amazon Prime, just released world wide (which I do also happen to be in, hehe!).

Their ability to wear so many hats so damn well whilst effecting positive change and practicing casual yet purposeful inclusivity through humour is extraordinary. Also they are truly the most outrageously funny, clever, supportive and delightful human beings. Their unwavering commitment to kindness, to laughter and to each other is so nice. They have a kind of unshakeable togetherness that is just really bloody lovely.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I started a project on Instagram a few years ago called The Gained Project. We do profiles of people where they talk about something they’ve gained that has nothing to do with weight, paired with a photograph of them (mostly) in their underwear, totally un-sexualised and comfortable in their body.

I wanted to show a range of bodies and really celebrate how beautiful ‘imperfections’ are. I also wanted to encourage people to value themselves more by what they’ve gained in experience, insight and growth and not by society’s harmful and limiting beauty standards. I am very passionate about expanding our collective definition of ‘beauty’.

I am also very open and public in discussing my suffering from Endometriosis and Adenomyosis and am passionate about eradicating stigma around reproductive conditions in an attempt to raise awareness and create a future where there are more treatment options, fair treatment from medical professionals and even one day, a cure.

Favourite holiday destination and why
My favourite place I have ever been on holiday is Malta. It is where my family on my mum’s side is from and it is the most unbelievably beautiful island. The water is crystal clear yet this crazy electric blue colour and you just spend all day diving off boats and exploring the island through the ocean. It is utterly ridiculous.

I also went to Ireland to trace my father’s family history with him. We got tattoos together in a dodgy little tattoo parlour in Limerick and drank Guiness and listened to exceptional pub music and danced around the Ring of Kerry and it was just an absolute dream.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to and why
I mean definitely the beach. No matter the weather, I’m a big mermaid and Clovelly is my favourite. But other than that, to be honest, I would probably take them to The Hayes! It is such a beautiful, intimate theatre, the staff are all the coolest, the talent is some of the best in the country/(world) and the shows are always excellent and unlike anything you’d get anywhere else. Also the location is great for cool restaurants and bars!

What are you currently reading?
I just started reading Bohemian Negligence by Bertie Blackman (She is also an Aussie singer songwriter and daughter of artist, Charles Blackman)

What are you currently listening to?
I have been listening to Eloise’s new album Drunk on a Flight on repeat since it came out over a month ago. I’m obsessed. Laufey’s new album, Everything I Know About Love, is also so dreamy.

Happiness is?
Harder to spell than it should be.

What does the future hold for you?
I mean, death, eventually… But ideally before that happens I’m going to do another run of my show, In Loving Memory, which I did at the Hayes last year (directed by our very own, truly exceptional Sam Hooper), some more tv/film, and some more theatre. I’ve been in the studio working on some music I shall be hopefully releasing in the next few weeks and I’ve also got a couple more projects I’m writing. Eventually I’d love to give directing a red hot shot too. Maybe get a degree. Have some kids. Discover a new planet. Invent a teleportation device. Do a single pull up… Also, like, a holiday would be nice.

Mia who can be seen as Gabby/Bobbi in Joshua Robson Productions’ City of Angels – which will play the Hayes Theatre from 23 June 2023. For more information, visit: www.hayestheatre.com.au for details.

Image: Mia Morrissey – photo by Rebecca Hitch