On the Couch with Matt Harvey

Matt-Harvey-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Matt Harvey?
If you Google him, he is a very famous baseball player. But if you push through that, or add some more search criteria, you’ll find the comedian, writer, journalist, and storyteller that is THIS Matt Harvey. I’ve toured Australia and New Zealand with shows, written for The Shot and The Shovel, and enjoy a good slice of pizza during festival shows at MICF.

What would you do differently to what you do now?
Honestly, I’ve done a lot in my time. In its entirety, my resume is a staggering six pages long, so I can rule a lot of things out. If this is a “No Questions Asked” change of life situation, a socialite. Right? But if I have to earn my way like a good citizen, well I have enjoyed teaching, so maybe I’d give it a proper go.

Who inspires you and why?
Tom Waits and Bjork. They are relentless beacons of doing it your own way and doing something that not everyone thinks is good, but resonates with so very many people. I wish I had their courage.

What would you do to make a di?erence in the world?
Introduce universal basic income. I don’t think I could bring anything better to the table.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
My holidays have been few and limited, but I loved New York. There was so much possibility in the city, especially as someone in the arts.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I honestly don’t know about the quality of Melbourne attractions. Maybe the Zoo? But then, Melbourne has that excellent arts and food scene. Take them to eat somewhere great (let them choose the genre of food) and then see a play or a comedy show.

What are you currently reading?
A few things, my stack is always multitiered and shifting. Raymond Feist’s Magician (for the first time); David Graeber Bullshit Jobs (highly recommend); and Kobo Abe’s The Boxman (a strange and slow burn but interesting)

What are you currently listening to?
Music: Rage Against the Machine, Run the Jewels, and some Mitski and Iron & Wine to mellow it out | Podcasts: I like my podcasts funny – A Rational Fear, The Bugle, Bearer of Weird News, News Quiz, Because News (you might sense a theme here).

Happiness is?
Elusive. It’s a goal that doesn’t have to remain the same either. It can be a moment or a lifetime, it’s shifting sands of affection and interest. It’s looking after yourself first. The pursuit of a dream might be touted as selfish by some, but it is hard and satisfying work. A successful achievement or a landmark on the road to your dreams, there is no happiness like it.

What does the future hold for you?
This one is easy. Edinburgh; the largest arts festival in the world. The idea of traveling again is equal parts terrifying and liberating. The return of the arts is a true joy.

Matt presents his show, Wage Against The Machine, at Heroes Bar as part of the 2022 Melbourne International Comedy Festival until 23 April. For more information, visit: www.comedyfestival.com.au for details.

Image: Matt Harvey (supplied)