On the Couch with Marija the Romantic

Eat-My-Cake-Marija-the-Romantic-courtesy-of-Scratch-ArtsWho is Marija the Romantic?
Marija the Romantic is full-time romantic, “how positively exhausting!” (Eat My Cake) Feeding the senses and finding romance in daily life and swooping others along for the ride.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I’m already doing differently from what I do as my daily job. In an alternate reality I would be an art director shooting films and photographing models in amazing and elaborate sets, or a full-time showgirl in Paris or an art teacher.

Who inspires you and why?
Right now I am inspired by model Emily Ratajkowski and more so since reading her book My Body. I love her writing style, how open she is about her experiences, her explorations and entrepreneurial achievements.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I would in some away assist in bringing more collective awareness on issues surrounding domestic violence and an increase of resources and understanding for those that need the help. Addressing issues people face earlier in life rather than later. Making therapy more accessible to people and early detection for children requiring with neurodivergent learning styles and communication.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Rome – it feels like an eternal summer in my mind. Fashion, food and love!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
When I lived closer to Dandenong Mountains, I loved taking my friends to some of my secret garden spots, there are so many hidden treasures up there!

What are you currently reading?
I am reading Marie Antoinettes Biography – frankly, I am not enjoying it, it’s a super dry writing style.

What are you currently listening to?
What ever I randomly hear in my daily life that I like. Anything from classical to Biggie Smalls.

Happiness is?

What does the future hold for you?
A resilient and calm nervous system. Grand creative collaboration. Improved financial planning, I know how adult of me.

Marija the Romantic can be seen in Eat My Cake presented as part of the South Side Festival at Cube 37 – Frankston Arts Centre: 6 – 7 May. The South Side Festival takes place in and around Frankston: 6 – 15 May 2022. For more information and full program, visit: www.southsidefestival.com.au for details.

Image: Marija the Romantic – courtesy of Scratch Arts