On the Couch with Marcus McKenzie

Marcus McKenzie AAR On the CouchWho is Marcus McKenzie?
I’m Marcus McKenzie. I have the immense privilege of getting to make contemporary performance (aka weird theatre) in Melbourne/Naarm, and other places too. I’m one half of the duo behind 8/8/8: REST for RISING 2024, alongside Harriet Gillies.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Visit my nephews in Tasmania more often and pay my rent on time.

Who inspires you and why?
I’m in continual awe of my peers – my collaborators and their constant ability to innovate and work under difficult conditions; all the artists in the local community and their endless fonts of playfulness. I’m also inspired by modernist literature, memes, alien conspiracy theories and ants.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Idealistically? Free Palestine. Realistically? Try to help impart values of love and creativity to the young people in my life.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Either Japan or Greece. The Japanese know how to go fast, and the Greeks know how to go slow.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Make It Up Club! It’s the quintessential Melbourne cultural experience – it’s always surprising, and it’s one of the only things I’m still doing now that I was doing 15 years ago when I first moved here.

What are you currently reading?
James Hillman – The Dream And The Underworld. Whacky radical psychoanalysis book from the 70s that suggests we literally visit the realms of the dead when we go to sleep at night.

What are you currently listening to?
The trickling sound of my cat’s water fountain. It’s actually really relaxing.

Happiness is?
Crying unexpectedly, out of nowhere.

What does the future hold for you?
Dancing, gratitude, transformation, swimming, singing, giving back.

Marcus is one of the Co-Creators of 8/8/8: REST – which will be presented at Arts Centre Melbourne, as part of the 2024 Rising Festival: 7 – 9 June. For more information, visit: rising.melbourne for details.

Image: Marcus McKenzie (supplied)