On the Couch with Kiana Daniele

Who is Kiana Daniele?
Kiana is a very loud/energetic/bubbly and fairly sassy human, (she/her). She enjoys eating constantly, hanging out with her beautiful family/friends and moving her body.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
In life? Haha. Not much. I think I lead a fairly exciting life. However, I do think I will need something to do during the day soon, perhaps some more study of some sort to just keep my brain actively learning. Not sure.

Who inspires you and why?
My cast in Six The Musical inspires me, seriously, they are ALL just such incredible humans. We are all so so different and from all walks of life and when we’re together there is nothing but love/respect and admiration for one another. I learn from them all daily, just utterly obsessed with them.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
This is a very BIG question; I am going to answer realistically haha. I would honestly really love to run some workshops for women on embodiment one day. It is a small impact and may only make a difference for a few people, but I think that is definitely still valid.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Europe, the food, the culture, the people, the languages, everything. I cannot wait to travel soon, I plan to go for quite some time and soak everything up like a sponge.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
A day could be breakfast at Alimentari then going to Lost and Found for some vintage finds, then heading into the City for the NGV and a walk around the Botanical Gardens… another drink back down in Fitzroy at Amarillo, then to Cumulus Inc or Coda or Di Stasio for dinner, then Music Room for a boogie haha. I love Melbourne. By the way I would DEFINITELY do that day… I think I nailed it.

What are you currently reading?
I am reading two books currently, My Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty and The Sex Ed You Never Had by one of Australia’s leading sexologists, Chantelle Otten.

What are you currently listening to?
Ooooh, it changes hourly. A recent song I found was Walking Flames by Actress and Sampha and ooh I love it.

Happiness is?
Food. Hahah no, well sometimes, but happiness can be any given thing at any given moment, big or small that makes you feel joy. A moment I felt happiness today was drinking my coffee and doing my morning pages, I felt present and it was really lovely.

What does the future hold for you?
Joy and endless epic experiences and I am sure many many more challenges with twists and turns.

Kiana stars as Anna of Cleves in SIX The Musical – which plays Melbourne’s Comedy Theatre from 17 June 2022. For more information, visit: www.sixthemusical.com for details.

Image: Kiana Daniele – photo by James D Morgan | Getty Images