On the Couch with Kelly Nash

Kelly-Nash-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Kelly Nash?
If only I knew! It’s only been 60 years on the planet and I’m still working that out! But some of the stuff I’ve done gives clues to the versions of me… I think. Started my working life as a teacher who quickly realised that was an exceedingly tough gig so left to become a famous movie star… that didn’t work out as planned so worked in a variety of jobs including waitress, life drawing model, flower bunches, massage therapist, cellar door attendant, puberty program presenter to name a few but my favourite way of spending time is hanging with other creatives and making and performing.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Hmmm… if it were possible, I’d be a zoologist-winemaker-gardener (I get bored easily so I have to mix it up a bit).

Who inspires you and why?
Ploggers – it can’t be a particularly pleasant thing to do to pick up litter whilst out walking but it means the next person walking that route has a much more pleasant experience. Inspiration implies action so I guess I’m inspired by older performers because it keeps me enthusiastic about continuing to do the things I love well into old age (I’ve only recently turned 60 so you can probably tell I’m struggling with it a bit!).

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I’d turn back time and start the whole human journey again and do it better this time; kinder and more equitably… in the short term, in Australia… Vote Yes.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’ve been so lucky and travelled extensively throughout Australia – what an incredible country we have, the colours and diversity of landscape, so beautiful. Having said that, one of my favourite holidays was to Japan – just adored the place; colours, food, incredible gardens, such a different culture to explore! I had a week in Tokyo before I met up with the rest of the family and I felt safe and could travel around so easily – it was fabulous.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
We’re so lucky, Melbourne is a beautiful city – a wander around the laneways, sticking a finger in the waterfall at the NGV, the botanical gardens, the Queen Vic market (specifically the American Doughnuts van!).

What are you currently reading?
I’ve only just started reading Broken Bay by Australian author Margaret Hickey – I only read the first 20 pages last night but I’m IN!

What are you currently listening to?
Nat Grant’s soundscape for Myra in Space – it’s mesmerising.

Happiness is?
… evanescent… so I try to take a moment and be aware and fully experiencing it when it happens!

What does the future hold for you?
For the next couple of weeks, it’s all about Myra in Space! Can’t wait to be back at fortyfivedownstairs and check out the new floor. Beyond that, I’m really bad at planning and goal setting so I’ll take my “let the circumstances take me wherever” approach to life and see what happens next!

Kelly stars as Myra in Baggage Productions’ Myra in Space by Bridgette Burton – which plays at fortyfivedownstairs from 7 – 17 September 2023. For more information, visit: www.fortyfivedownstairs.com for details.

Image: Kelly Nash (supplied)