Who is Josie Wardrope?
A cheerful and vivacious performer, Josie’s spark for physicality led her to NICA where she specialised in Swinging Trapeze and Handstands and graduated with a Bachelor of Circus Arts in 2012. She has been performing and teaching throughout Australia and beyond ever since. Josie loves heights, outdoor adventures and kitchen dance parties. She is quick to grin, crafty with (and on) her hands and is convinced that upside down time gives an excellent perspective on life!
What would you do differently to what you do now?
I wouldn’t do anything differently to what I’m doing now except going to the Osteo more regularly!
Who inspires you and why?
The working Mums of the circus world inspire me. The perseverance, dedication and strength (both physical and mental) that is required to be at the top of your game is huge and then to be a parent at the same time is incredible…
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
If I can help make someone’s day a bit better than it was before then I feel like I’m making a difference in the world.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
Anywhere hot and sunny, at the beach, without too many other people! Somewhere I can relax and enjoy life’s simple pleasures…
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I take friends from out of town on walks through Sherbrooke Forest. It’s in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges and has some beautiful trees and animals.
What are you currently reading?
I am reading (re-reading!) Wise Man’s Fear – the second book of the King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. He is a fantastic story-teller… And for those who have been hanging out for The Doors of Stone – 20 August 2020!
What are you currently listening to?
I am listening to the wonderful music created by Jeremy and Selene – our two incredible musicians in Aurora who have composed an amazing soundtrack for the show.
Happiness is?
Furry, four legged and has a tail!
What does the future hold for you?
The immediate future holds more touring with Circus Oz for me. After Aurora, I will do their Tin Top tour of regional Victoria in October/ November. We will perform the show in Kerang, Lockington and Yarrawonga as well as running workshops.
Josie stars in Circus Oz’s latest show, Aurora – which is currently playing under the Big Top at Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens until 6 October 2019. For more information, visit: www.circusoz.com for details.
Image: Josie Wardrope (supplied)