Who is Joshua Hoare?
Not only the second son of the second son of the second son (literally…) but also partner to Andrea and Dad to Arno. I’m also very lucky to be the Artistic Director at the South Australian Circus Centre and Cirkidz on Kaurna Country in Adelaide SA.
What would you do differently from what you do now?
In parallel universes I’m a TCM Traditional Chinese medicine doctor, an Architect, a permaculture designer…
Who inspires you and why?
My parents are a huge inspiration to me. I won the lottery being born to them. I’m inspired by creative artists and cultural practitioners who evolve our perspectives on the world. They give us new stories, and new possibilities.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
It’s easy to be flippant answering this question… I’ll try not to be… In Australia, invest in indigenous lead language reclamation, revitalisation and maintenance. It’s the easiest way to bring better awareness and visibility to every Australian that this country’s story didn’t start 233 years ago, but is the latest tiny chapter on a story that is thousands of years old … In the whole world, return political structures to operate in accordance with bioregional localism… None of that is difficult, right?
Favourite holiday destination and why?
Anywhere with Arno and Andrea… And by anywhere, I mean; campervanning through France and Corsica, visiting friends on Lofoten Islands, Norway, and at home in my place on the beach in Semaphore… Because the best holidays are not about where you are but who you’re with…
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
They’d have to come during festival time to make the most of Adelaide Festival and Fringe, but perennial favourites are PirltaWardli, the site of the first Kaurna language school on the banks of Karrawirra Pari (Torrens river, Present day golf course,) Central markets, Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island.
What are you currently reading?
I’m a grazer when it comes to reading, a small selection; Venkatesh Rao’s Ribbon Farm blog, Hanzi Freinacht’s The listening Society, How Brands Grow by Byron Sharp, too much of my Twitter timeline, and Ian Cheng’s Emissary’s Guide to Worlding… as well as the odd Yi Jing (I Ching) reading here and there to keep things spooky.
What are you currently listening to?
Podcasts: Michael Max’s Qiological, Dan Palmers Making Permaculture Stronger and Weird Studies by JF Martel and Phil Ford. Music: Iarla o Leonaird, Sam Amidon, and Dhafer Youssef.
Happiness is?
On one level, the name we give a certain combination of sensations coming to us from and through our body, on another level, a transitory illusion luring us away from the difficult yet necessary work that leads us to things bigger and more lasting than happiness, like fulfilment, contentment and joy. And on yet another level, snuggling on the couch with my two year old watching owl documentaries.
What does the future hold for you?
Several super exciting circus on screen projects including our new series, TackerzTV, and wellbeing programs for adolescents. Further down the track some serious rest and rejuvenation after an extremely busy start to the year.
Joshua is the Artistic Director at the South Australian Circus Centre and Cirkidz in Adelaide. For more information, visit: www.sacircuscentre.org.au or www.cirkidz.org.au for details.
Image: Joshua Hoare – photo by Rebekah Ryan