On the Couch with Jane Rutter

Jane Rutter Arts Review On the CouchWho is Jane Rutter?
Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts et Lettres, Flute Spirit, French Flute, (flautist, flutist, flute player, piper – take your pick!) Classical Disrupter, Soloist, Recording Artist, Composer, Lover of Life. Save the Planet Free the People. Fine Music for Everyone!

What would you do differently to what you do now?
I would do to nothing differently… On second thoughts: I’d clone myself so I have more time to do the things I love: dance, paint, write, campaign more to get plastics out of the ocean, make films, spend more time mentoring younger musicians, meditate, cook… Actually I’m managing all of these – but I’d like more time please!

Who inspires you and why?
Winnie the Pooh, my mother, Jane Austen, Marcus Aurelius, anyone kind clever and brave, my flute teachers passed and living, the sound of Joan Sutherland’s voice.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Use the voice of my flute to encourage people to forego one piece of disposable plastic every day. Billions of pieces of plastic going into the ocean each day – it’s a no-brainer – we are mostly so unaware not to mention the global ignorance regarding the difference between biodegradable and photodegradable. Checkout: Jane Rutter – Anti-Plastics in the Ocean

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Collias, France (a medieval village in the south of France), and The Karnak Rainforest Sanctuary, started by my friend and mentor, the late Diane Cilento – it’s paradise on earth where I always go to be in nature and recharge my batteries.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I have two towns!  In Paris I would take them to a concert of Baroque music at La Sainte Chapelle, followed by a great meal at favourite restaurant Au Pied de Fouet, then a stroll down la Rive Gauche till in view of La Tour Eiffel then, bus 72 home – the greatest bus ride in the world. In Sydney I’d take them to Taronga Zoo from Circular Quay on a ferry past the Opera House, then down to a fabulous meal at Bather’s Pavilion Balmoral Beach.

What are you currently reading?
Paris On the Eve, 1900-1914 by Vincent Cronin, The Book of Sand by Jorge Luis Borges, and Take Six Girls: The Lives of the Mitford Sisters by Laura Thompson.

What are you currently listening to?
Edits to my new albums, French Flute & 3rd Culture (out soon)

Happiness is?
Overrated. Contentment is good! Work at something you love: that is happiness. Help another person: that is happiness! (Happiness can also be great flute solo, combined with warmth of the audience).

What does the future hold for you?
A concert at the Sydney Opera House on Friday 18 November during which I will be officially decorated by H.E. the Ambassador to France in Australia. The medal is Chevalier de L’Ordre des Arts and Lettres. Chevalier means knight in French (does that mean I’m ‘Sir Flute’ from now on?) When I think of La France: that which she represents to the world on the levels of Art, Literature Music, Politics, Liberty, Equality, Etiquette (and L’Amour!) I am thrilled and humbled to be recognised by this great country… Vive La France!

Image: Jane Rutter (supplied)