On the Couch with Jack Twelvetree

Jack Twelvetree AAR On the CouchWho is Jack Twelvetree?
An actor. A pilot. A mover. A shaker. A writer. An explorer. And, some say, “A pretty cool dude”. Take their word for it.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I would be A LOT more silly. I would play all the time and try to find the fun in everything.

Who inspires you and why?
People inspire me. There’s something adventurous that lives in all of us. A courage. A wildness. I see it in people all the time. They are brave, they are full of joy, they are passionate, impulsive, heroic, kind, creative, resilient, authentic, hilarious, they are loving and full of spirit. The spirit of humanity inspires me.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Be present with people. Give them space to be heard. Listen – really listen. Make them feel ginormous. Love them.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I love traveling with my family. I’ve often thought that wherever we go on our travels, I’m happy, as long as I’m with them. That being said, I do love South East Asia. The food is glorious, the energy – carbonating, and the sun is good for the soul.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to and why?
One of the best things about Melbourne/Naarm, is the art. It’s so full of colour and vibrancy wherever you look. So look. Especially up – if you look up in this city, there’s most likely something beautiful waiting to be seen.

What are you currently reading?
The cafe menu. Looks delicious, must be said.

What are you currently listening to?
The Hamish and Andy Podcast. I’m a sucker for it. For those that know: Gusto to you.

Happiness is?
A wonderful type of magic!

What does the future hold for you?
Hopefully, being a part of work that pushes the boundaries, with artists who challenge and inspire me. Maybe there’ll also be lots of laughter? Adventures? Big plates of spaghetti? Who knows? But whatever it is, I hope it’s exciting!

Jack stars alongside Sarah Sutherland in Joe White’s Blackout Songs – which is currently playing at the Red Stitch Theatre until 30 June 2024. For more information, visit: www.redstitch.net for details.

Image: Jack Twelvetree (supplied)