On the Couch with Harry Targett

Harry-Targett-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Harry Targett?
A silly little goose who people let perform on stage sometimes!

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Ooft! Big question! Probably pick up some more environmentally friendly habits and eat a little cleaner.

Who inspires you and why?
God the list is loooong! Mostly I’d say my folks. They’ve raised some awesome kids, run a successful bakery in Bunbury WA, and are just all-round legends. I really admire the way they’ve set up their lives and the way they care for others.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Bring back KFC Crushers!

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I just recently went up the north coast of Western Australia in a Camper van with my partner and it was BEAUTIFUL. There was no reception for the majority of the trip, and it was bliss to see how gorgeous this country is!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I’d take them to Marrickville Pork Roll and go have a walk around the Cooks River. It’s a real hidden gem that I love!

What are you currently reading?
The script for Sweeney Todd. Opening at the Opera House on 26 July playing until the 27 August!

What are you currently listening to?
Sempiternal – Bring Me the Horizon.

Happiness is?
Going for a walk on a sunny, 22-degree day.

What does the future hold for you?
Hopefully more people will employ this silly little goose to keep performing for them.

Harry can be seen as Anthony Hope in the Sydney Opera House season of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street – currently playing until 27 August 2023. For more information, visit: www.sydneyoperahouse.com for details.

Image: Harry Targett (supplied)