On the Couch with Gareth Isaac

Gareth-Isaac-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Gareth Isaac?
Speaking professionally, I’m a musical theatre performer currently performing as Robertson Ay in Mary Poppins, as well as a Voice and Dialect coach with my own business, Tune-Up Voice Coaching. Speaking UN-professionally, I’m a lanky dork from Gosford NSW with a penchant for guitar, cartoons, and Dungeons and Dragons.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I always find this question hard to answer. Because, at the moment, what I do is working for me. Someday it might not and I’ll have to turn around and do some introspection. Maybe someday performing won’t bring the same joy that it has, or maybe the way I’m approaching my life will have an impact on myself or others that I didn’t intend. But until then, I can’t really say I’d change anything.

Who inspires you and why?
Anyone who can approach the world from a place of hurt and fear, and still be able to smile and be kind. It sounds horribly cliché, I know. But I tend to take my inspiration from everyday folk just trying their best to make their world a little brighter. Especially when they’ve not known much light themselves.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Make USB-C chargers the industry standard worldwide. I’m telling you right now, if Europe can do it, then so can everyone else. I’m so sick of having seventeen cables for everything I own. Micro USB and Lightning can get in the bin.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’ve never been much of a holiday-maker, if I’m honest. I’ve TRAVELLED, sure. New York, the UK, Vanuatu… all lovely places! But if I’m honest, my favourite thing to do is a staycation. Once a year, no matter where I’m living, I like to book myself a stay at a fancy hotel with a buffet breakfast and just explore the city with fresh eyes. It does wonders for one’s optimism!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
When I’m in Sydney, a trip to my favourite Café in Redfern, Calico. Follow that up with a trip to Kinokuniya in the city for some new books, and finish the day with a night at my favourite Barcade, 1989 on King Street for some beers and Mario Kart.

What are you currently reading?
I’ve just finished The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a conclusion to the current era of his Mistborn series, but also a small part in a much larger connected universe he’s writing. Some stellar world-building, and incredibly human characters for such a fantastical world.

What are you currently listening to?
The Lord of the Rings on audiobook, as read by Andy Serkis. Serkis’ grasp on this story, as well as his stellar vocal work, really shine a new light on one of my favourite books.

Happiness is?
A hot kettle, a warm hug, and a good blanket.

What does the future hold for you?
I can only hope more of the same that’s come my way so far. It’s all character development, and if this narrative keeps building and crashing the way it has, I’m going to have a HELL of a final climax baby!

Gareth stars as Robertson Ay in Mary Poppins The Musical – which officially opens  tonight (Friday 3 February) at Her Majesty’s Theatre, Melbourne. For more information, visit: www.marypoppinsmusical.com.au for details.

Image: Gareth Isaac (supplied)