On the Couch with Fabio Motta

MICF-Fabio-Motta-Spot-photo-by-Underground-MediaWho is Fabio Motta?
Still working that one out.

What would you do differently to what you do now?
Both my grandparents where farmers in Sicily. If I could do something differently it would be to have a life closer to nature. Like be a farmer in a coastal town in Sicily. Maybe own a farm with a winery and bed and Breakfast. The name Fabio actually means Bean Farmer!

Who inspires you and why?
My mother. She is an incredibly resilient woman, a wonderful teacher and brilliant cook.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Two quotes come to mind with this question.

  1. Oprah Winfrey once said: “Help people live their best lives by living your own.”
  2. Mary MacKillop also said: “Never see the need without doing something about it.”

Be the best version of myself to help others be theirs, and never look away from when help is needed. This is what would like to strive to do.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Sicily. The food, the heat and the beaches feel like coming home.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Melbourne has many interesting places to visit. I would probably take my friends to the VIC Night Markets, some great restaurants in the northern suburbs, NGV and to The Great Ocean Road.

What are you currently reading?
Atlas of the Heart by Brene’ Brown.

What are you currently listening to?
I love 70’s disco beats.

Happiness is?
Pizza with potatoes and a glass of wine.

What does the future hold for you?
If I learned anything over the last two years, it would be to live day by day and not focus too much on the future. I don’t know what the future holds – but there are some projects to reveal!

Fabio has created and performs in Spot – a witty and incredibly funny original solo show at the Explosvies Factory, as part of the 2022 Melbourne International Comedy Festival: 5 – 15 April. For more information, visit: www.theatreworks.org.au for details.

Image: Fabio Motta – photo by Underground Media