On the Couch with Esther Song

Opera-Australia-Esther-SongWho is Esther Song?
Hello! My name is Esther Song and I am currently one of Opera Australia’s Principal Artists.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I am very into healthy eating and exercise to change how my body reacts to food. I  love sweets and carbs but I wish to cut down significantly.

Who inspires you and why?
More than the legendary or world famous singers these days, I am learning a lot from our OA senior principal artists. We are very privileged to have some of our Senior Principal Artists in our National Tour team. They are opera stars who have had years of experience in performing professionally and I really respect their professionalism in all areas!

I recently had the opportunity to talk deeply with Maestro Carlo Montanaro. I couldn’t sleep the day Maestro shared his deep knowledge of the opera field and what is to be a great singer. He was very inspiring and fired up my desire to become a great Australian singer.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I am using less plastic and water usage as much as possible. My mum used to say “change is sometimes unseen but can start from help of something very small.”

Favourite holiday destination and why?
I’ve loved Hawaii and Switzerland. Switzerland was one of my honeymoon destinations and I enjoyed every part of my time there. Beautiful people and scenery that I hadn’t seen before. I will definitely go back!

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
When friends come I choose according to their energy level. If they are fit and energetic I take them for hiking in the north or to the Blue Mountains. Low in energy, I like to take them to Blues Point and of course to the best food! As Australia is very diverse in nationalities we are so lucky to have so many options for cuisines!

What are you currently reading?
To be honest I’m not really a reader!

What are you currently listening to?
I like to listen to Opera for learning and Korean Indie Band music. When I’m too tired or down I like to listen to Tchaikovsky Symphonies or classical music without words.

Happiness is?
Living the life God had designed for you to live. Also music is a big source of my happiness – I have been a cellist since very young and I love playing, however I am definitely much happier performing on stage as an Opera Singer.

What does the future hold for you?
I hope to be able to perform a lot on stage and continue learning how to sing beautifully and healthily. I am also very thankful that I am doing this not by myself but alongside my husband who is also an Opera Singer at Opera Australia.

Esther stars as Rosina in Opera Australia’s national touring production of The Barber of Seville – which commences its tour at the Lighthouse Theatre, Warrnambool from 21 July 2022. For more information and touring schedule, visit: www.opera.org.au for details.

Image: Esther Song – courtesy of Opera Australia