Who is Emma Maye Gibson?
My civilian name is Emma Maye Gibson and I am also known via my avatar, friend, critter, witness and mode o’ Betty Grumble. Named thus after my paternal grandparents – Betty & Grumble. Through Grumble I have made performance Shows that invite people into thinking about/with grief, pleasure and justice – often through an ecosexual lens. Major works include Sex Clown Saves The World, Love & Anger, The Unshame Machine, Enemies of Grooviness Eat Shit, 24Hr Grumble Boogie and more. I work with the mantra Thank You Body and believe in art as an action of my spirituality.
What would you do differently from what you do now?
I think a lot about energetic sustainability in practice. How to battle with the throes of capitalism whilst making work that is able to assist bodies whilst also providing my own body with the sustenance to keep moving. I would endeavour to give myself more intentional rest (couldn’t we all!), this is a great challenge in making in these environments.
I think I’m doing okay, but I imagine I’m not alone in feeling the discontent of the matrix of living, the hostility towards creatives and less mainstream ways of living. If I could train in another expertise, health is calling me by way of counsel, care, nursing, responder etc. These elements already feel present and relevant to the practice. I am fortunate to already collaborate with experts in these fields to create holistic experiences for audience whilst still offering boundary push.
Who inspires you and why?
I am fortunate to have cut my teeth in queer performance and community. Gadigal has an especially potent history of performance art. I am inspired by legacies of border riders, rascals, sex workers, witches, activists and carers who have woven a rich cultural fabric that is in constant communication with power. I was lucky to be in intimate collaboration and sisterhood with the late great butch queen, Palestinian poet Candy Royalle.
She still inspires my practice and art heart. Voices of resistance and resilience that radiate joy and generosity in the face of the tyrannies of violence. People interested in liberation for all beings and making work that holds the response-ability of that. The ocean inspires me. All of nature wild and free, this is where I want to be la la la dee doo dah.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I will first make a difference in the world by taking care of myself. Heart pumps blood to itself first. My practice has been a journey into understanding my selfhood and how my stories, ancestry, inheritance and powers connect to the greater community.
Art has helped me connect and heal to bodies. Human, non-human, celestial, beyond. I hope to help create space for holding hard stories in joyful ways. To purify things in the light. To offer movement where there has been paralysis and seek truth and understanding.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
This would be a space I can access through ecstatic dance guided by enchanted dance floors and sorcerers on the decks. It’s bathed in warm golden light and a very groovy transcendental happening. I live on really powerful Country where the ocean meets trees. Those places you can swim in the waters whilst looking up at trees growing and climbing on rock. Anywhere you can bathe nude and watch fellow critters in peace. Blowing out bubbles and smiling at fish is a dream.
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to and why?
If friends come to my town, I take them to Dharawal Country and we walk in the bush and swim in the ocean. And/Or we go to The Bearded Tit in Redfern. The greatest art bar in the multiverse and place of deep sanctuary. Every Wednesday is Queerbourhood led by jonny seymour of stereogamous and most Sundays is Sad Dyke Sundays led by Megana Holiday.
What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Language of Limbs by Dylin Hardcastle, The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller and Ram Dass’ Be Love Now.
What are you currently listening to?
Whilst listening to this Madonna Ray of Light was playing in full, then Cocteau Twins, Talk Talk, Talking Heads, Minnie Ripperton, Marianne Faithful, Fever Ray and the magpie’s who visit me for a feed in my garden. Ah oodle loodle loo.
Happiness is?
Adventurous, courageous, gracious loving.
What does the future hold for you?
I am performing Enemies of Grooviness Eat Sh!t on Ngunnawal Country at Canberra Theatre Centre in early September. I’m keen to relate to this show now and to make it a good vehicle for feeling into this time as we all reckon with the twin CEO’s of supremacy and patriarchy and their tumorous ivory tower of capitalism. We want to take this work overseas next year so I predict a wild tour of joy and connection representing our community and connecting to other great wyrdo’s.
I am developing a new solo project whilst also working with my theatre company Body Of Work co-founded with Charlotte Farrell. I will continue to facilitate Grumble Boogie’s (aerobic dance psychically charged classes) and workshops. I want to keep witnessing and celebrating creative spirit and keep forging space for health and action in my immediate spheres of care and beyond. I want to keep meeting you in this.
Betty Grumble performance artist Emma Maye Gibson re-emerges, bringing her latest offering, Enemies of Grooviness Eat Sh!t, to The Courtyard Studio – Canberra Theatre Centre from 4 – 7 September 2024, as part of the Valence performance series. For more information, visit: www.canberratheatrecentre.com.au for details.
Image: Emma Maye Gibson (Betty Grumble)