Who is Dax Carnay?
Oooft, That is a tough question. If you asked me four years ago who Dax was, you would have had a solid concrete answer. Manila Dax is very different from Melbourne Dax. I guess, Melbourne Dax, aside from being an immigrant trans person of colour, is the renaissance of the stunted artist Manila Dax could’ve been a self-aware individual finding her space in a place where she actually feels she is a hyper minority. A self-made individual who is unsure of what this version of herself will bring her. A self-assured individual knowing that she has been through this before and hoping that things will go well in the future.
I guess Dax Carnay is a good person trying to be better. Given my diverse, rich, and very interesting background, I try to make sure that whatever I learned in life would not go to waste and is shared with people who need it. I guess Dax Carnay is a person who wants to be able to say at the end of the day that she did her best without a doubt.
What would you do differently from what you do now?
I believe life is a series of decisions that creates a path of where you should be for that exact moment. So, I wouldn’t say I would do things differently for my journey has brought me here and allowed me to do the things I’m doing now. But if I really had to answer, I wish I saved more money. HAHAHAHA
Who inspires you and why?
The younger generation, to be honest. Though there are a lot of improvements that only time and experience can bring – their vigour, resolve, and courage to stand up for what is right even though all the systems put in place go against them. One can only imagine what these kids can do if guided correctly. I believe they will change the world (whether, for the better or the worse), and it will now depend on how we lead them to it.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I was gifted with a very interesting background and story to tell. I truly believe that just hearing about it, one would be able to pick up a nugget of wisdom here and there that they can use for themselves. I believe that just being seen, taking up space, and not being daunted by the society that I grew up in would make a world of a difference. But being the person that I am, using my expertise, I’m gonna make a splash and have a great time while doing it.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
I used to say Melbourne, but since I live here now, I would say Manila. Because it will always be home.
When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Well, I’m the attraction they come for! But seriously, I just take them out. Melbourne is known for its bustling nightlife, and I am known for bustling the nightlife, so it just makes so much sense! But if we really have to do something during the day, I usually take them to the beach.
What are you currently reading?
We might hear a collective gasp for this, but I’m not much of a reader. I consume all forms of video content like a thirsty camel at a well, but books, not quite. But the last book I really enjoyed was Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, which coincidentally is now a series.
What are you currently listening to?
There is this playlist on Spotify called track ID: Cobrah – it definitely gets you moving.
Happiness is?
Happiness is knowing today is good, and tomorrow will be better.
What does the future hold for you?
With the life I lived and how the world was in the last 3 years? Your guess is as good as mine. But hopefully, it’s going to be great.
Dax has written, and performs in The Six Guys an Immigrant Trans Person of Colour will Date in Melbourne – which will be presented at the La Mama Theatre, as part of the 2023 Midsumma Festival: 6 – 12 February.
Image: Dax Carnay – photo by Darren Gill