On the Couch with Darcey Eagle

The-Rocky-Horror-Show-Darcey-Eagle-photo-by-Pierre-ToussaintWho is Darcey Eagle?
If I’d been asked this at 21 I’d probably have given a very concise and self assured answer, but at 28 I’m enjoying having no clue who Darcey Eagle is, or at least I’m at peace with the fact that it changes a little bit everyday. In regards to my work, I’m a Melbourne (Naarm) based artist who graduated from the VCA in 2019, I have a strong dance background, but am currently most interested in acting.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
If I had invested in visual arts instead of performing arts growing up, I think I’d be a tattoo artist by now as I find tattooing a fascinating art form. Another interest of mine is psychology, which I have plans to study at some point in the future.

Who inspires you and why?
Anyone who is honest, authentic and genuinely kind. Seeing people fully own who they are while being kind to others teaches me how I can do the same.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Provide grants for artists and creators from marginalised groups so we can hear stories from the people we need to be listening to.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
New York. I’m a fast paced person and it’s a fast paced city, so it feels like I even out every time I’m there.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I’d probably suggest a road trip down to the Great Ocean Road, simply because it’s stunning!

What are you currently reading?
I’m currently re-reading No One Belongs Here More Than You – a collection of short stories by Miranda July. Her writing makes me feel less alone which is a comfort while I’m away from home on tour.

What are you currently listening to?
I have a Spotify playlist for Columbia (the character I play in Rocky Horror) that I listen to at work which includes a lot of Fiona Apple, Kate Bush and Lily Allen.

Happiness is?
Allowing myself to marvel at the human experience and the fact that I get to share it with so many people I love.

What does the future hold for you?
I’d probably fall asleep quicker at night if I had the answer to this question! I hope more weird and interesting creative opportunities are on the horizon as well as quality time spent with my friends and partner

Darcey stars as Columbia in the 50th Anniversary production of The Rocky Horror Show – which plays the Adelaide Festival Centre from 13 April; and the Athenaeum Theatre, Melbourne from 18 May; Crown Theatre, Perth from 6 August; and Canberra Theatre Centre from 29 September 2023. For more information, visit: www.rockyhorror.com.au for details.

Image: Darcey Eagle – photo by Pierre Toussaint