On the Couch with Daisy Doris May

Daisy Doris May photo by Katinka BesterWho is Daisy Doris May?
A professional weirdo. Character comedian. Drag King. Writer. Actor.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I’m writing this without a coffee… not sure I can go there. In all honesty, I have switched my mentality a few years ago from waiting for work to come in to just creating it myself! So it would be to continue that journey and keep writing bold characters and stories.

Who inspires you and why?
The Smack the Pony crew! The pinnacle of what a sketch show is and should be! I will also never stop looking up to Sacha Baron Cohen… my favourite thing has always been to immerse my characters in real life situations and mingle in the wild! Borat / Bruno / Ali G – will always be genius to me.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Smile at strangers. Take time to chat to the older generation.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Both trips to India have changed my life. It is a full sensory experience!! You might need a holiday after the holiday…

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
If homies are coming to London, you’re most likely coming round to our gaff and getting my (average) cooking and catching up. As much as there is to see and soak up in London, I’m getting old! I wanna catch up first!

What are you currently reading?
Eddie Izzard’s book – Believe Me (Another icon I look up to).

What are you currently listening to?
I always find myself listening to my old school chillout playlist – Zero Z.  Morcheeba. Nightmares of Wax. As a newbie DJ, I play house… so I love to discover new deep house / garage / lipstick house. That’s the only music that can get me moving.

Happiness is?
Time with family. Exploring new places. Saucy food.

What does the future hold for you?
|This question… is intimidating! For the last 15 years, I rarely know what I’m doing next week, let alone the future. But this year I’m taking my shows to Adelaide, Melbourne, Edinburgh, South Africa! I’m bringing HÄNS OFF & ViPS and Steve Porters – How To Flirt: The TED XXX Talk to The Garden of Unearthly Delights at the Adelaide Fringe for the first time and it’s my first time Down Under.

I’d love to keep taking my drag to different pockets of the world and keep pushing myself into scary new corners! Stand Up. Writing for screen.

Daisy Doris May presents HÄNS OFF & ViPS in the Spiegel Zelt at The Garden of Unearthly Delights (15 & 22 March) and Steve Porters – How To Flirt: The TED XXX Talk in the Le Cascadeur at The Garden of Unearthly Delights (11 – 23 March), as part of the 2025 Adelaide Fringe.

Image: Daisy Doris May – photo by Katinka Bester