On the Couch with Creswick

Creswick-AAR-On-The-CouchWho is Creswick?
Creswick is my moniker that encompasses all of my creative output as a multi-disciplinary creative in the fields of music, video and photography. Born in Launceston, Tasmania, to a family of arts-lovers, I have been surrounded by art and creativity my whole life. This has shaped my eclectic approach to creation and the multiple streams of artistic expression.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Having been a freelance artist the majority of my working life, I do daydream about what it is like to don a suit and turn up to work for a 9-5 job. How long would I survive? Would I love it? The allure of a more structured life does intrigue and fascinate me.  Perhaps in another life I will be an accountant.

Who inspires you and why?
I am inspired by my networks of creative friends and their artistic projects. Having lived overseas for many years, my friends are now sprawled across the world, and it is always inspiring to see the things that they are working on and exploring.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
My hope is that through my art I will be able to make a small difference in the world. Whether it is through inspiring conversation, thoughts or just providing people with an escape from their day-to-day. In addition to this, I hope to raise a son who is also passionate about making this world a better place for his kids.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
My wife and I will be taking a getaway after I finish the production of In His Words: Voices of Fatherhood to the South Coast of NSW to catch our breath. It is always a joy travelling to that part of the world, and I can already imagine the feeling of sand beneath my toes.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Living in Canberra, we have access to some incredible national institutions. My favourite of all of these is the National Portrait Gallery. With a frequently rotating gallery and great programming, the Gallery strikes a great balance between size and quality.

What are you currently reading?
Currently re-reading The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris. One of my favourite authors and a fantastic read.

What are you currently listening to?
My 4 year old is currently obsessed with Jack White and Led Zeppelin, so it’s been heavy on the rock music recently!

Happiness is?
Time with family. Creating. And a lack of deadlines.

What does the future hold for you?
Creating. Touring. Creating. Pushing boundaries. Creating. Touring.

Creswick (f.k.a Liam Budge) is the creator of In His Words: Voices of Fatherhood – a live music cinematic response to fatherhood today, performing with a stellar ensemble of Australian musicians in its world premiere season at The Street Theatre from 23 – 25 June. For more information, visit: www.thestreet.org.au for details.

Image: Creswick – photo by Abbey Mackay