On the Couch with Bonnie Anderson

Bonnie-Anderson-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Bonnie Anderson?
I am a 27 year old women who is lucky enough to be doing what I love day in and day out, I am a singer and an actor and love throwing myself into all kinds of crazy challenging adventures.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
I am forever growing and changing, My whole life has been entertainment based and there is no greater feeling than being up on stage performing. But I love trying out new things, TV has been a part of my life since I was 12 years old, so I love the idea of going down different avenues in film or TV.

Who inspires you and why?
The people I love. The ones who mean everything to me are the ones who inspire me the most, I have such powerful great people around me that I look up too. I also grew up listening to a lot of soul music and the watching singers like Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson…. Those voices always inspired me and will continue to forever.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Growing up all I wanted to do was to help anybody who may be less fortunate, to listen, to understand and to just do anything to put a smile on somebodies face or to make somebodies day… the simplicity of just thinking of others that may need to be heard is making a difference to me. Acting equal always, being kind and always spreading more love.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
My favourite family holidays were always in Bonnie Doon as we went there every year, when I was growing up. We got to play all day long and just be kids. Those are memories I will cherish forever.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
Depending on the time of the year, but my favourite experiences with my friends are to go for a beautiful meal, laugh all night long and be spontaneous.

What are you currently reading?
I just received a beautiful book in the mail from a dear friend of mine, Lola Berry called Fearlessly Failing… I did a podcast with her about two years ago and it was the same title… I love her and her mind. Such an inspiration and an all round amazing human!

What are you currently listening to?
Lots and lots of 80s music at the moment… also Christmas songs because its nearly December and its my all time favourite time of the year.

Happiness is?
Your mind and heart feeling settled… Happiness to me is when my family and friends are healthy and happy. Having my beautiful animals in my life, getting to do what I love, sing and entertain, also making time to explore and adventure. To enjoy the simplicity of life and see it for all its beauty.

What does the future hold for you?
I have lots of short term and long term plans… Career wise is going to be fun and interesting and I’m going to keep on challenging myself with more music and new ventures… Building my empire, focused on a healthy happy lifestyle and my family being number one, always!

Bonnie joins a stellar line-up of performers at Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on Christmas Eve (Friday 24 December). For more information, visit: www.carols.visionaustralia.org for details.

Image: Bonnie Anderson (supplied)