On the Couch with Bettie Bombshell


Who is Bettie Bombshell? 
Imagine if Elvira and Nathan Lane had a baby and they lived in Vegas.

What would you do differently from what you do now? 
Nothing at all! I am where I am today because of all the bits and pieces in my past. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, and every beautiful moment is a celebration of hard work. There was a brief moment many years ago that I thought maybe this wasn’t the life for me, and it turns out I just needed a good sleep and some fresh air.

I sometimes think about what I would do if I wasn’t in the entertainment biz, and I can never seem to come up with an answer. If there was one thing I know I was always meant to do, it’s this. I am so grateful for my beautiful sparkly life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. 

Who inspires you and why?
I am inspired by everything. That may sound cliche, but it’s the truth. I draw daily inspiration from music, fashion, nature, small interactions with strangers, and the incredible people I work with. The world is very inspiring place, and when you tune yourself into its magic, it’s hard to miss it.

On closer inspection, I do think I draw my biggest source of inspiration from music and dance styles. I try to keep a broad music collection and I absolutely adore learning about different styles of dance from all over the world. I am currently really taken with flamenco dancing & classical music. The way the same piece of music can be interpreted in so many ways is truly magical. 

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
I try to make a difference every day by proudly being myself. In a world where self love & unwavering confidence is still seen as a radial act. I perform and create in the way that I do because it’s not expected of me. I am a queer, plus size burlesque dancer and I do it for those who need to see someone like me up on big stages. I am so proud to showcase skills that bigger bodies aren’t expected to possess, and I perform for all the folks who need to see themselves on the stage.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
New Orleans. It’s my favourite place to visit. That city is pure magic.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
HA! All my friends are performers, and they come to town to do shows! But after our shows in the wee hours you can find us whirling around cocktail bars, or somewhere with a good bowl of pasta.

What are you currently reading?
A book about the famous Voodoo queen of New Orleans Marie Laveau, Mind Hunter, a book written by a retired FBI agent & something else much lighter but I forget what it is right now. I started all of them at different times, fiercely reading the first few chapters and haven’t had the time to pick them back up.

What are you currently listening to?
Everything. But the last played were Ertha Kitt, Gabriels, Dolly Parton & the Cabaret soundtrack.

Happiness is?
Something to practise and learn.

What does the future hold for you?
Anything I desire.

Bettie can be seen in the West Australian premiere of ORACLE – which is currently playing at The Regal Theatre, Subiaco, as part of the 2023 Fringe World Festival until 5 March, before playing the Roslyn Packer Theatre, Sydney from 29 June  – 9 July. Encore Sydney season on-sale soon!

Image: Bettie Bombshell by Heide Victoria