On the Couch with Bernie Dieter

ACF-Bernie-Dieter-photo-by-Rachel-MiaWho is Bernie Dieter?
She is a German punk kabarett goddess who is known for her riotous original songs, her deviant eye for debaucherous mayhem, and her ability to spot the most gorgeous beardy man in the room and be in his lap within minutes. She also enjoys a gin… or five.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Nothing really. I have the best job in the world, surrounded by the most glorious punks, freaks and weirdos everyday making music and art and mayhem. I would not change a thing.

Who inspires you and why?
My Oma was a huge inspiration to me. Her family owned a travelling circus in Germany back long before the Berlin wall came down, and as a child she was smuggled from east to west Germany hiding under a pile of sequinned costumes. She was an incredibly strong woman and I have always been inspired by strong women.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Live performance makes a huge difference in the world. Especially after the complete shit-storm of the past few years, we all desperately need to connect with each other, drink and laugh together, forget about all the scary things that are going on outside and celebrate life and difference.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Anywhere that has a stocked cupboard full of delicious food (especially cheese) a fridge full of gin and some beautiful humans to play with is my favourite sort of holiday.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
I travel so much that that really depends on where abouts in the world I am, but probably just the best little dive bar in town where we would drink and talk till the sun comes up.

What are you currently reading?
My horoscope. Things are looking up this month darling! Apparently, I will meet a tall, bearded stranger who will ask me all kinds of intriguing questions about myself…

What are you currently listening to?
Depends on my mood but anything from David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich to Brendan Maclean or The Slits, always with a bit of Rocky Horror Picture Show thrown in for good measure.

Happiness is?
A stage and a band and a venue full of glorious humans cheering, laughing and throwing their inhibitions to the wind for a night – running away to join the circus.

What does the future hold for you?
We just had an incredible sell out season in Sydney earlier this year, so I am hoping to go back for a return season soon. I am also working on a tour of Canada and Japan, as well as a few other exciting things. Hopefully a lot more gin-soaked adventures with my beautiful band.

Bernie will present Weimar Punk, straight from the salacious back rooms of Berlin to the Adelaide Festival Centre’s Banquet Room on 24 & 25 June, as part of the 2022 Adelaide Cabaret Festival. For more information, visit: www.adelaidecabaretfestival.com.au for details.

Image: Bernie Dieter – photo by Rachel Mia