On the Couch with Anton Berezin

Anton-Berezin-AAR-On-the-CouchWho is Anton Berezin?
I’m a father of three; recovering Theatre Producer, Filmmaker and Musical Theatre performer with a career spanning almost (cough) 30 year.

What would you do differently from what you do now?
Professionally: I’d like to make more film. Writing and directing for screen has been a genuine revelation and a great solace over the past two years. At the start of COVID (when all my theatre work evaporated), I enrolled at Film School.
Personally: Enlightenment? Selflessness? A 28 inch waist?

Who inspires you and why?
My father passed away in 2020. He was a man who moved gently through the world and always put others first. He was a refugee and a political prisoner, but never allowed bitterness or anger to be the arbiter of his actions. I miss him.

What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Seize the means of production? Honestly, if I could make one bold, sweeping change – I guess I’d forgive all international debt. The Developed World’s “debt slavery” relationship with Developing World is a source of immense suffering and great shame.

Favourite holiday destination and why?
Queenscliff. It’s hidden gem on Victoria’s Bellarine Peninsula. A quaint little sea-side village you’d expect to find somewhere on the rocky coast of England.

When friends come to town, what attraction would you take them to, and why?
To the theatre of course! As long as there was a musical playing. After that, the fabulous alleyways in Melbourne’s CBD for supper and a cocktail. Finally, up to Olinda in the Dandenong Mountains for a cup of tea and a (gluten free) scone at Ms Marple’s. It’d be the perfect weekend.

What are you currently reading?
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. It’s helping quiet my mind and I’m sleeping better! I’d highly recommend it.

What are you currently listening to?
I love minimalist music – Philip Glass, Max Richter, Akira Kosemura – and have recently discovered Ludivico Einaudi. I’m obsessed with his 2004 Album, Una Mattina.

Happiness is?
A warm, quiet picnic in a lush green garden, surrounded by the people I love.

What does the future hold for you?
I’m really looking forward to starting The Phantom of the Opera with OA in the middle of the year. That particular show has been on my bucket list since I first auditioned for it in 1997! Otherwise, with the last of our children finishing high school this year, my wife and I would love to travel more, take professional risks and catch up on a couple of decades of sleep.

Anton stars as Karl in the world premiere season of Driftwood – The Musical at the Alexander Theatre – The Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University, Clayton (13 – 14 May) and Chapel off Chapel, Prahran (18 – 28 May). For more information, visit: www.driftwoodthemusical.com.au for details.

Image: Anton Berezin (supplied)